10 Things I Hate About You | 6

Show Notes:

10 Things I Hate About You stars Julia Stiles, Heath Ledger, Larisa Olynik and Joseph Gordon Levitt is a film inspired by William Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew. This film was released on March 31, 1999, right smack dab in the middle of Julia's Freshman year of High school.

Host Julia Washington is joined by her high school pals Carly Adams and Becca Montes to get into favorite characters, whether or not this film aged well and what they thought when this film first released. 

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The Show: Pop Culture Makes Me Jealous

The Host: Julia Washington

The Guests: Carly AdamsBecca Montes

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Julia: Hey friends, this is pop culture makes me jealous where we discuss pop culture through the lens of race or gender. And sometimes both. I'm your host, Julia Washington. And on today's show, I'm discussing the 1999 teen romcom, 10 things. I hate about you with two friends from my high school years who happened to be sisters.

Julia: 10 things I hate about you. Stars. Julia Stiles, Heath ledger Larysa Olynyk and Joseph Gordon. Levitt is a film inspired by William Shakespeare's. Taming of the Shrew. The film released March 31st, 1999. Right. Smack dab in the middle of my freshman year of high school. But before we dive into a summary of the movie, let me introduce you to my guests.

Julia: You may remember Carly Adams from past episodes, like little women and Moxie. She's a home organizer based in Sacramento, California, and owner of tidy revival. We are joined by her sister, Becca Montez, who is the CEO of Casa de Montez. All three of us attended high school together during the 10 things era and FairWarning listeners.

Julia: Since we have all known each other for several decades, this could get chaotic. Hello, Becca and Carla. 

Becca: Yeah. Thank you for having a yeah. 

Julia: I'm so excited. You guys are here. This is going 

Carly: to be a little bit ridiculous. I'm excited. 

Becca: I'm really, I'm really looking forward to the levels of crazy. This is going to get friends.

Julia: Who've been warned. Since this dope came out last century. Let's do a quick summary. When new student Cameron sees Bianca Stratford for the first time, it's love at first sight, only one problem. Bianca isn't allowed to date until her sister cat starts dating cat. The unlovable angry on the surface.

Julia: Feminist who thinks dating in high school is a waste of time. Cameron, along with his new friend, Michael devise, a plan to hire someone to date cat, but who would be so brave? Enter Patrick Verona equally as scary, but not as disgusted by dating as Patrick begins to wookah. As part of the scheme, he begins to develop real feelings.

Julia: The only problem is Cameron's not the only one vying for Bianca's affection. Joey Doner has skin in the game and when cat finds out the truth behind Patrick's intentions, her world comes crashing down at the time. Variety had this. At its most promising 10 things aims for an, anything goes silly.

Julia: Reminiscent of teen picked classics like 16 candles, but it lurches all over the map. Encompassing dialogue, both inspired and juvenile tasteless. There's also middling slapstick rampant, product placement and awkward bits of earnest trauma. Reviewers were mixed on this film. One that has since become a heavy favorite amongst the millennial generation.

Julia: So let's begin here. Did you see the movie when it first came out in 1999? And did you enjoy it? 

Becca: All right, so I'll go. First, freshman year I had 

Julia: wasn't AP, it was pre 

Becca: AP English and my English teacher was kind of weird. I forget his name freshman year random 

Julia: white dude. He was like, I'll give you guys extra credit.

Julia: If you go 

Becca: see this movie that's based on him, he had a Shrew and I was like, so you're going to give me extra credit to go see Heath ledger and a movie. Hell yes. Um, and so I went with like, I don't know, like four of my friends and like our moms and dads dropped us off and we saw a PG 13 movie by ourselves.

Becca: So it's just gay, so exciting. Oh my God. Um, and I just remember afterwards being like, oh my God, I'm a total cat. Really? I think I'm a total Bianca. Let's be honest. Carly is cat. I am beyond. Um, or I'm like cat, Bianca, and then our little sisters are total Bianca. I just thought I was like, I'm a bad-ass feminist.

Becca: Um, and also Heath ledger, 

Julia: may he rest in 

Becca: peace, rest in peace rest and find this, that man. Uh, 

Julia: but yeah, I loved 

Becca: it. I loved it. Um, I, I didn't think that it was. Cheesy. I did, like, because I was, I knew like, yeah. And we 

Julia: were for the 

Becca: team, we were the target audience. Like we were, they could have been our 

Julia: friends if we lived in 

Becca: Seattle.

Becca: Exactly. Yeah. It felt like very much like, oh, and those were the popular kids in those with the grungy kids. And those were nice cars and those were that kids. And it was like, no, but like, I know like that. If that was at our school, that would be them. I need them, I meet them. And like, I liked how, like the movie, like, show that there is like intermixing between like groups, because most high school movies didn't do that.

Becca: Cross high school movies were just like, if you're this you're this like, mean girls can't intermix. There's no intermixing. 

Julia: Um, I bought this movie that I got. 

Becca: Realistically showing what high school can be like. I mean, definitely like through the lens of Hollywood, but I really enjoyed it. It was like one of my favorite movies.

Julia: It's like in my top five, which I don't have a top five, but if people are like, what movies can you watch on? Repeat it. My girl, you want me to recite 10 things? I hate about you for you. Cause like I can act that whole shit out. 

Becca: Literally haven't watched it in years. In years. And I was like watching it on Disney flats, you know, and I was like, Yeah, I can recite every single line and also car that he can agree that that is our, oh my gosh.


Carly: have that in the notes. Yes, it's totally our dad. And there was so many things about that plot line with the dating rules and the reason being, because we don't want you to get pregnant, 

Becca: um, to my elbows and placenta all day.

Becca: Yeah. Yeah. I know how disgusting that is currently. 

Carly: I don't remember exactly when I saw it, but I do remember that I loved it and I loved Keith leisure. If he was in it, I wanted to watch it when he passed on. I like cried 

Becca: for 

Carly: days and. There are something like, I couldn't even watch the joker because when the preview came on in the theater, I was crying and it was because of heat ledger.

Carly: Like I like, I am so still, so. About his early passing and like just loved him. Um, so yeah, anything he was in, I saw it, I loved it. I was all about it. Um, I thought that movie was super cute and I think it holds up really well. I know we're going to talk about that a little 

Julia: bit more too. Don't give anything away yet.


Becca: will not. 

Carly: But the thing is, I feel like. Yeah, it's just, it's fun. It's cute. It's got like all the heavy hitters of the nineties. Um, Andrew is Andrew

Becca: did not age. Well.

Becca: Yeah. 

Carly: Andrew Keegan, Gabrielle union. Who's in apparently everything. 

Julia: Every team was in 

Becca: that movie and then like I've watched other movies. She's living the life. She, she doesn't act any more cause she doesn't have to 

Carly: saving her money 

Julia: like a boss. She's she's the quintessentially ninth, late nineties, high school movie sidekick.

Carly: Yeah. Alex Mac, come 

Becca: on.

Becca: I say Don from the babysitter spot.

Becca: I love you so 

Carly: much. Yeah. I loved it. There was so much to love about that movie so much to love, and I just think. The cutest and I adore it, the scene where he sings, I love you baby. Like, 

Becca: yeah, that 

Julia: he, they had a pit different song picked out for that scene and 

Becca: he Fletcher was like, I got you. I, how about we try 

Julia: this or something to that effect?

Julia: And it worked out great. I think. And they were in, they were just like, have fun with it. Have fun with this scene. You could tell. Movies that last forever. You see it. When you read, you know, these anniversary articles about like interviews with the people, they always talk about how they're like, we didn't really know what we were doing.

Julia: We just wanted to make a great movie and have fun and it's like, you can tell, and it translates so well. And that's why it lasts forever. 

Carly: And back and I marched in high school too. So the fact that marching band was involved where I was just 

Becca: like, oh, I really appreciate 

Carly: it. So, so much from the bottom of my heart.

Carly: Thank you guys, 

Julia: because I want to know how we managed to be friends in high school because the words we were in marching band just left your mouth. 

Becca: Sorry. I was literally in every band, just Afro Cuban band. That was a thing. Um, I was just. It's going to put, give me a pin to put on my Letterman jacket that I never bought.

Becca: Sure. I think, 

Carly: I think band is actually reason that we are friends, Julia, because I was also in every band from. Jazz to marching, to pet, but I was also at a garage, Scott and that's where all our mutual friends, like the whole like punk scene came into play, which is 

Julia: why we're still friends today. Band thinks dirty punk rock 

Becca: music.

Becca: I was underage clubs and that, so 

Julia: I was driving by we're teasing greens. It used to be the other day. And I was telling the kids, I was like, there used to be this like music club here, but it was like a driving range during the day. And they were like, whoa, like I 

Becca: know or drive past that church on Briggs, Lorne.

Becca: You're like that used to be a venue too. And they're like for who? Jesus. Actual rock shows played there, but it was actual rock music, 

Julia: but it was cool. And if we wanted to smoke her cigarettes, we had to walk out to the street. I'm just kidding. I never smoked in high school. It's not okay. Like you must be 21.

Becca: I know it's 21. Now 

Julia: anyone now. Hey friends. Did you know that? I have spoken about representation in media and literature, other than just on the podcast. I've been booked to speak a company meetings, panel discussions, voiceovers for commercials and video narratives and to moderate discussion panels. To learn more about how you can book me for an event, just shoot me an email pop culture makes me jealous@gmail.com.

Julia: You speaking engagement as the subject line, looking forward to working with.

Julia: According to every single review I've read or nearly every review. Okay. 1999 was the year of the movie prom with she's all that and never been kissed, also using prom as a come together point, but will cares about prom when you're a freshman or a sophomore, unless you're Bianca's track for it. Clearly set in Seattle.

Julia: This movie was filled with quirky yet lovable character. KA is the elder sister best known for her tough exterior and extreme distaste for school. Spirit. Bianca is the younger and she is beautiful, bubbly, and popular. She wants to be adored. The girls couldn't be more different and struggled to get along, but one thing becomes very clear by the end.

Julia: They love each other very much. So I want to know. And you guys already answered this kind of which sister were you most like in high school? And which sister do you identify with now? 

Becca: In my mind, like I said, in my mind I was Kat. I was bad-ass. I was independent. People were afraid of me. Were people afraid of you?

Becca: I don't remember that. Yeah. I mean, my sister in my mind, I 

Julia: thought in your mind, in your mind, what was actually happening in reality is not that I was 

Becca: just, I thought that I was like this bad-ass porcupine of a person where like, people want to be around you, but like you're quickly. No, I wouldn't really, I was like a Teddy bear.

Becca: You were like, 

Julia: I remember you being very fun and warm and friendly, biggest 

Becca: flirt in high school. So obviously I finished as Bianca, I guess. I mean, y'all, didn't really get, she wasn't flirty. She was flirted with. Yeah. So I guess between the sisters, I'm more of a man. Uh, hybrid hybrid? Yes. Um, I'm cat on the inside and younger on the 

Julia: outside.

Julia: Love it. What about before I thought I was 

Becca: counting? Yeah. Okay. 

Carly: Um, I feel, I feel like I was Kat. I feel like I am cat. 

Becca: Does that make me Mandela? 

Julia: I'm not obsessed with Shakespeare. Oh my gosh. 

Becca: Shakespeare. That's also true.

Becca: Also Medallia is pretty cute way cuter, 

Julia: but I love her better in center stage, 

Becca: better in center stage and done that. 

Julia: So yet my gosh, 

Becca: bring all this series. 

Carly: Oh my gosh. Chaos ensues. So good. Yeah. Cat. I think I just, I, I, I think I fancied myself a cat. I think there's definitely some Bianca parts of my personality.

Becca: I think, I think you have Bianca parts, like in that, like

Becca: you're you were always kind to others. Yeah. You're a very 

Julia: nice person. You're like, 

Becca: uh, no, I mean, you're always fairly nice, but like you're a cat in the, like, I'm not going to do what other people expect of me. I'm going to pave my own, like my own path kind of thing. I was hard 

Carly: parents. They always pushed individuality.

Carly: And I say that it just bit them right in the ass. 

Becca: Straighten the Keester. 

Julia: Yeah, I did love, I loved, so there's that scene where like, they're like, Ooh, prom and you know, Mandela was like, I want to go and blah, blah, blah. And cat's like, we shouldn't go. It's a statement, blah, blah. And she's like, cool.

Julia: Something different for us making us. 

Becca: You 

Carly: guys, can I also say, I, I don't want to go into specifics, but let's just say I had it on good authority. I was going to get asked to the prom and I was a sophomore that year. I was very excited about it. It was like the person that I was like madly obsessed and in love with.

Carly: Long story short. He did not happen. They went with somebody else. I did not get asked and I was devastated. And so this all centering around the Prague and the year it came out was that year. I was just like, heartbreaking. Wish I could have been Bianca cried, cried, cried so 

Julia: hard. I mean, I would've done it with Justin Gordon-Levitt well then.

Becca: Just keep back then. It's cute. Now. 500 days of summer, 500 days of voters, just say,

Becca: you're welcome.

Becca: A hundred days of summer and not like third rock from the side, meaning he went to child in third rock from the side. There was, this was like his first movie, I think. Was it his first movie? I know that he's done like a lot, like, cause he did like angels 

Julia: in the outfield and like 

Becca: Disney's like a lead role.

Becca: Okay. Do you 

Julia: have like a teenager? Cause I didn't lead an angels in the alpha cause he was like, he did a bunch of, I thought you did maybe I'm wrong. I thought I did a bunch of Disney movies. But 10 things I hate about you, I think was the first time I saw him with his short hair. Cause remember in third rock from the sun, he had bought deal.

Julia: It was a big deal. 

Becca: He could still get it long as the cubie. Yeah, he's a little 

Julia: cutie. He's 

Becca: older than me and I'm over here. Like a little baby CUNY. He just he's just seems so. But like, I know he's, he's not that, oh, he has my mom's birthday. He's 

Julia: probably like five, eight. I would think 

Becca: I'm to be, does not say, 

Julia: or maybe five nine, because Larysa Olynyk is like 

Becca: 5, 8, 5, 9.

Becca: Oh. It says that he's five, nine and a 

Julia: quarter. Oh, on a technicality. The quarter gets him. 

Becca: So he's like, he's like my dad. That's not short. No. It's like normal height, like average. Yeah. It's like I say, it's average height, but then Carly and I are married to giants. So we're like, oh God, that's so short. It's like, no, but like that's normal.

Julia: That's a normal height. Yeah. Yeah. It's my favorite. When I like meet a guy in person from like online dating and they put that they were like six one or six feet and I'm like, no, you're not. I know exactly what. There on a human body that is six feet tall. Stop lying. You were five 11. You were five, 10 you're five, six, like 

Becca: don't lie.

Becca: That's the thing 

Carly: with dating sites though. I've heard that a lot of guys, they, they want to hit the six foot mark cause they feel like people are going to swipe the other way. If they're under, which is just 

Julia: that's me and I'm okay with the five 11 I'm finding, I can still wear here. 

Becca: Yeah, I can still reveals, 

Carly: like, do you want someone that's superficial anyway, just put your real height and weed out.

Carly: The people who are rude about inches versus 

Becca: personality. Amen. Also don't post a picture of you. Yeah. 

Julia: All the time. Somebody posted on Instagram a couple of weeks ago, like this like jokey meme about like guys on dating profiles, posting with their fishing photos. And I, and she's in a relationship and I text and I messaged her.

Julia: It's like, no, that's a real thing. She's like, are you serious? I'm like, girl, how many times I swipe left? Because it's like this motherfucker fishes. And that's like only his picture is fishing.

Julia: I'm more concerned about you being gone all the time, fishing. Like I have spent enough time alone if I'm looking for a partner, like, 

Becca: well, I mean, I have, I have a friend who I'm sure when they met on a dating profile, it said that he fished and she was like, yes, I'm in. And they go like, chill, like put on like Gators.

Becca: I'm like go 

Julia: fishing. I'm like good for them. Great 

Becca: for you. So happy for you. That's not my journey. 

Julia: No mine, neither. Um, I want to discuss side characters, chastity Mendela excetra and the teachers. Mr. Chapman, Ms. Perky, Mr. Morgan, I have two questions here. Who was your favorite side character? I'm 

Carly: going to go with Mandela because I think her obsession with William Shakespeare is so cute and just like a, an adorable nod.

Carly: And then, um, Yeah, I've seen center stage like 25 times. So anything more 

Becca: anything 

Carly: with Maureen? I'm in a hundred percent, I just think she's great as a character. And this was really, really cute. Yeah. 

Becca: And 

Julia: I love that she, and what's his face hook up in the end. 

Becca: So Michael Michael, he is my favorite site, which like I would argue that he's not really a side character.

Julia: Uh, what is supporting, 

Becca: supporting role? He's not like a side side. 

Julia: Um, 

Becca: I really enjoy Michael. I enjoy how he's self-deprecating. I enjoy how he. He seems like as far as like high school students, he's very sure of themselves or it's like most high school students are not sure of themselves. Like, even like Cameron's character is like confident, like questions himself.

Becca: Michael's just like, no man, own it. You can do it. I can help you. Like everybody needs a miracle in their life. The best hype man. And he also wasn't afraid of cat. Like he was afraid of cat, but like he was respectfully afraid of her. He also wasn't really 

Julia: afraid of Patrick, but 

Becca: everybody else was, but I just, I liked how he was like, you know, this is just 

Julia: how it is.

Julia: A couple of scenes that I love that he, that he is sort of takes the lead in is where he first meets Cameron. And camera's like, oh, thank God. They usually send an audio visual geek. And then people log in, Hey, Michael, where's you put the slides. It's like my goal, who are you talking to? And then like walks away.

Julia: And then the other one is when they're at the bar, updating Patrick about like things they found out about cat and he goes, excuse me, should you be drinking? If you don't have a liver?

Becca: Like what he's like, nevermind. Moving right along. I got, I got kicked out of the group. It was a hostile takeover, but I'll be heard. I bought my eyes at its outlet. Can we talk about that for a second?

Becca: That was like, like, Ooh, at an outlet mall, but could you imagine. Getting caught, like with like your Abercrombie, but like you bought it at the Abercrombie outlet, just like, could you imagine how dare it would be mortified? 

Julia: Or if I'm over here in high school making 

Becca: my own clothes, I wasn't buy right buying men's.

Becca: Corteroids washed out sharing 

Carly: a pair of jeans with my best friend, because we found them at the rummage sale and both loved them so much that we wore them to 

Becca: death. Shared 

Julia: them. That's their sisterhood of the traveling pants of you? 

Becca: It was very, very wise. Okay. But who was your favorite teacher? Um, I have to go with Ms.

Becca: Burkey, 

Julia: Reginald, 

Becca: quivering member, 

Carly: watching it back. I forgot about that point. I know. And she's just like, okay. 

Becca: We were on like

Carly: erotic novel. I forgot about that. I was like, 

Becca: oh my God. She 

Julia: asked her 

Becca: assistant, what's another word 

Julia: for in gore.

Carly: Um, can we, Mr. Morgan and how great he was and how he just games like zero S it was just like, tell I'm not dealing with you. Get 

Becca: out of here, all these fucking people out, like, 

Julia: oh, this next time you want to 

Becca: storm the PTA for your better lunch meat or whatever, 

Julia: ask them why they can't buy a book by a black man.

Julia: And then the rosters are 

Becca: like, that's where I met. And he's like, don't even get me started on.

Julia: Why are people surprised when people get mad about cultural appropriation? Mr. Morgan literally was calling everybody out in 1999. 

Becca: Thank you, Mr. Morgan, we had, we had like full roster. We would call it a member. 

Julia: I just remember like a ton of black people and like, I don't even think we had a black, black union.

Becca: We didn't have a black student union 15 oh. Fit 

Julia: would have been 15 and a half if I had joined. Okay. 

Becca: Well I think my friend was in the black student union and he's like, I'm not even really black. I'm actually asking. 

Julia: I was like legit from the continent. He was 

Becca: like west African. So I came, I joined the black student union, but like, you know, skin color wise identifying.

Becca: So yeah, our black student union, like that was one thing about high school. When people talk about high school, How diverse is your high school. And I was 

Julia: like, it wasn't, 

Becca: it wasn't, it wasn't like, I mean, 

Carly: so the thing about Modesto is that there are a lot of groups that don't actually exist in other parts of the country that we don't think about.

Carly: Like our Syrian population is apparently like Modesto. 

Julia: It's like the second largest or something in the country. 

Becca: Uh, Chicago, 

Carly: Chicago, Chicago, and interlock apparently is what I've heard. And look it up and quote me anyone listening to this. But. 

Becca: Oh, 

Julia: I forgot. We had a large and then the second is, you know, what it is is they fall into that.

Julia: They fall into that sliver of other that's like 2% because it's like 46% white, 46% Hispanic. And then literally everybody else is in that sliver of like whatever's leftover. So it's easy to. Blinded by that pie chart. Yeah. But 

Carly: even like having gone to college in San Francisco and like being in a diverse place there, but the diversity was really different.

Carly: I've realized that there are so many different cultures that I was exposed to in Modesto that were unique for the area that I did. Um, really appreciate or, I mean, like kind of half appreciated, um, while I was there, but I, you know, I had like Filipino friends, we had Hmong friends, we had, our neighbors were serious.

Carly: We were always trading food with them. Tamales for Goleman. That's amazing. They didn't, they didn't complain about my dad's grateful dead on the weekend. And in return, they were doing a Syrian karaoke at like 1:00 AM

Becca: to their dog. Not

Becca: Yeah. 

Carly: Or like I followed someone on Instagram recently and he is from, I wanna say he's from Iraq. And, um, one of the things that like, he, he wrote, um, like mud Hubba on it and I was like, I read it and knew what that meant. Like that's, you know what I mean? It's just like, it's, it's these little things that, um, that were very.

Carly: Specific to where we grew up. But that being said, we did have a lot of white people in our school 

Becca: because our school, it just 

Carly: diverse in different in, in, in these other ways, 

Julia: when we were in high school, the high school we went to was the high school where the wealthier families went. Yeah, 

Carly: well, was it, it was ours.

Carly: And then, um, the, the other. Uh, the newer one, the new one that didn't exist. Johannsen yeah, I felt like that was fairly wealthy too.

Becca: I don't know, man. We had a lot of BMWs in our fucking parking lot at high school. I remember this safely that someone who remains unnamed, 

Julia: I think he'll tell us when we're done with. Well, 

Becca: I mean, it's going to kind of give it away. I doubt, babe, listen to this. I just remember

Becca: when it was, uh, they're not my friends. I just know that they were living with was their 16th birthday and their parents dared. Let's just say their last name was Tacoma. And instead of getting them a Tacoma for their 16th birthday, they got like an F. It was like, you brought a brand new car, you didn't get the brand new car that was named after you and you were pissed.

Becca: And I was like the level of privilege of some of these people. Meanwhile, I'm driving a 19. 86 Oldsmobile, Cutlass, Sierra 

Julia: living the 

Becca: dream. We shared 

Carly: it and we got it for free as a hand-me-down hand me down car, like someone was going to give it like to, you know, cars for kids. And instead we're like, would you guys want this car?

Carly: It's it's to probably die pretty quick. And we're like, that would be amazing. Thank you so 

Becca: much. 

Julia: It needed spark plugs. Yeah. 

Becca: We're gonna need a lot more than sparklers, but you know, that's a whole, 

Julia: yeah. So funny, good times. Good times. He used by Juul offers, custom artwork and original prints, specializing in watercolor, focusing on the human form and different shades of skin.

Julia: If you're looking for that perfect gift for a birthday or have a special memory you'd like to commemorate visit Hughes by Juul on Instagram or finally Etsy shop of the same name that's Hughes, 

Becca: H U 

Julia: E S by Jules, J U L. When pulling from Shakespeare lightly or in the most heavy handed way, it's hard to fail when it comes to the longevity of a project.

Julia: And in the case of 10 things, it's hard to ignore the homage to Shakespeare. In this film, the students attend Padua high school. Patrick Verona is the bloke paid to date cat cat's best friend Mandela is obsessed with the Bard himself. The consensus among critics in 1999 is that 10. Kind of a retelling, but the themes speak for themselves and taming of the Shrew Shakespeare is making several statements.

Julia: There's class difference and marriage as an economic institution, just to name a few in 10 things, it's social status and dating, which are topics more keen to teenagers. Cat hides her true emotions behind a tough exterior as a way to protect her. Sodas Kate in the original, the overprotective father is more concerned about his younger daughter than his elder daughter, because his younger daughter doesn't have the tough exterior.

Julia: In my opinion, this movie holds Shakespeare's themes well for its intended audience. Having seen this movie in my adolescence, there's a nostalgia factor. When I watched this film as an adult, I didn't even consider whether or not this film aged well. But in 2019 box Brannon article with the headline 10 things I hate about you is as fresh as ever even 20 years later where the consensus is, this film is still as the headline suggests.

Julia: What's your viewpoint in the, has this movie aged well conversation? 

Becca: I think aged, well, I think the one thing looking back on it, like, like you said, your podcasts likes to go through the scope of. Diversity and that sort of thing. I always get mad as a Latina when there isn't like, I know that in Seattle, there are Latinos, there were zero Latino, like side characters, main characters, I guess Verona could be like, maybe like, no, it's definitely an Italian last name, but there was like the lack of diversity.

Becca: Like even, not even like east Asian, Southeast Asian, it was just like, there was just like, there was white, it was literally 

Julia: like a black and white, like here's some white people. And then the quintessential sidekick, 

Becca: Gabrielle union, cocaine, token black girl. And 

Julia: let's put her 

Becca: in every single movie because everybody likes her.

Becca: So it's like, I just, that was the one thing that like seeing it now, but I mean, even. Even now, like movies don't do a great job with diversity. Even shows that like, are diverse sometimes like take it, like it's still like not received. Well, like there was like a new Disney movie that came out. People were mad that 

Julia: like 

Becca: some of the voice acting characters weren't actually from the Asian region as the movie is from.

Becca: And there's just like, no, but like, Like you got all Asian voice actress, but like they, people want more and more and more. And like, I just, in 1999, I just remember watching the movie and being like, oh no, this looks a lot. Like my high school, like this really does look a lot, like my high school. Um, and now that I look back on it, it's still just reminds me of my high school.

Becca: Like a lot of rich white people. The moody girl, driving a crappy car, um, and you know, eventually settling for a nerd because that's what you do in my way. I think that like the movie definitely age while it doesn't have as much as many like problems as other movies do, like, I, I didn't have issue. Like I know.

Becca: Patrick sneaks into a bar and his drinking, like, yeah, I forgot about this. I forgot 

Julia: about the scene where cat, um, flashes the teacher to get Patrick out of. 

Becca: I saw that I was like, it's like my 

Julia: brain conveniently deleted that scene. 

Becca: I remember thinking that it was funny. Yeah, I 

Julia: thought it was you, but now I'm like, I would never, I would not even in my T listen, I was never, as in Becca knows this plate to not small enough tits to go around without a bra on.

Julia: Yeah, 

Becca: no. But 

Carly: also to flash it, teacher people and be like, I'm going to distract this grown man with my 

Julia: boobs who continues to stare long enough. So Patrick can sneak out of detention

Carly: instead of the actual reaction, which should be holy shit, 

Julia: cat. What's your shirt. Someone 

Becca: gave me a blanket. Just like, 

Carly: no, no, no, no. Don't know what this is, but I'm not. Nope. Yeah. 

Becca: Instead it's just like, at her eyes, like a human, instead of like, you're, you're 

Julia: you, we know, we know what you happen to you teacher in two years, you've got picked up for, um, Googling too many high school girls and your normal, a soccer coach, 

Becca: right?

Carly: Um, there was one scene too, where Bianca used the R word, like describing, and I was just like, 

Becca: whoa, coming in a 

Carly: hot, but that was like the only line in the movie where I was, where I remember being particularly like 

Becca: taken aback. Yeah. Um, I think things 

Carly: that flew just Willy nilly 

Julia: back then, I did appreciate 

Becca: the cats.

Becca: And, um, what's his name? Joey like 

Julia: that. Like she just, like, 

Becca: he just say, you know, let's not be, you know, sisters in another way. 

Julia: Like, don't get with that dude. Yeah. 

Becca: My sisters like gross. Um, I just like, it was just like, yeah, we went out for a month, freshman year. Everybody was doing it and like, I wasn't doing my freshman year.

Becca: I had friends that were, and it was just like, it was 

Julia: an innocent way. It was like very teenager way of talking about sex and having sex. It wasn't like, you know, fucking pretty little wires dressing, like the peer pressure of it too, 

Becca: because like, you really feel like I remember when I was in like eighth grade Loretta crush on me that I could have sex with him.

Becca: I'm like, You're stupid. You're not going to have sex with that dude. Like you, weren't going to go to first base with 

Julia: him 

Becca: in like, what is even first base, what is sex? And just the fact that she was like, we did it once and then we didn't do it again. And it's like, and, and then they were, and then they broke up because she didn't want to do it again.

Becca: And th that changed everything for her. And I was like, that's very relatable. And a lot of girls to have that experience, like I was pressured into having sex and divorcing my boyfriend. Didn't like it 

Julia: and then broke up. Um, 

Becca: and I think that like a lot of girls can relate to that and that, that has aged well.

Becca: And the fact that, like, that was kind of like between that, and then the trauma of their mom leaving. It was like, well, yeah, of course. Yeah. And they could have, 

Carly: they could have had it that their mom passed on. And like, that was the trauma, but I almost appreciated that. It wasn't like, I mean, there's, there's so many shows where it's like, oh, it's a single parent.

Carly: Why? Because they died tragically. And while that is relatable, I think that the parent leaving is something like having more abandonment issues. Is that something that a lot of people, um, I know. I don't. I mean, I don't know statistics, but in my mind, more people probably do deal with.

Julia: And I think it explains the 

Becca: dad's behavior better too, 

Julia: because he, you know, who knows what his wife left to do. Like that's a mystery. So he's extra protective of his daughters because of his job being an OB GYN and because his wife left. So he doesn't, he tightens the rains on his kids because he doesn't want to lose them to like whatever secular implications exist.

Julia: Yeah. And it wouldn't, I don't think it would work as well. Had mom died? 

Becca: No, because then he'd just be sad. He wouldn't be. Yeah, 

Julia: but I do want to go back to what cat calls. Joey, Joey, eat me Donner.

Julia: Remember when that was like an insult, when 

Becca: people be like, wish she would

Becca: like in high school, like in high school, somebody said, eat me. I'd be like, 

Julia: like 

Becca: I know exactly, exactly. What does that even mean when you're like, Now, like eat me, like I remember curly. Do you remember? Like, we would say that and mom would be like, don't say that because like, obviously it is a sexual thing, but like we didn't know.

Becca: Um, but yeah, 

Julia: I, uh, Joey eat me daughter. The movie is so clever because that scene where he. Joey Donner and Bianca, they're looking at his headshots and he's like, which headshots should I use? And it's a black t-shirt and a white t-shirt, but they're both black and white pictures. Like he's like, I like whichever one.

Julia: And he's like, yeah, cause it's more. Pensive. And he's like, damn, I was going for thoughtful 

Becca: or the one where he's 

Carly: like, he's like, this was underwear. This is swimsuit. Can you just like, do you see it? Do you see the difference? And she's like, yeah. And then she's like, what did I do 

Becca: immediately 

Carly: immediate regret.

Carly: She was like, I'm going to be like the most popular guy in school. And she was like, oh, you suck. 

Becca: Yeah. Never meet your heroes. 

Julia: It's so well-written, 

Carly: I think that's relatable too, for anyone who has ever like had a big crush on somebody and then finally like got to know them better and you're like, oh, that's it damn.

Julia: Oh my God. My, I had the biggest crush and I'll tell you guys offline, cause you'll know who it is. In high school of this one person. And I am so grateful. I never officially met him because I think actually curly, I think I've told you who it was before. And I think you told me that he, what did you, maybe it wasn't you anyway, but like, I feel like my bubble would have been bursted if I had like met him.

Julia: Oh my gosh. 

Becca: I had a crush in high school and she was so hot. So hot, but he was like a year younger than me. So it was like, like, I, I did not care what grade you are. Okay. You're younger. You're older two years older, two years younger. I didn't, everybody is frigging 

Carly: biggest war by being picky on the age guy.

Becca: Fine, fine. Like Rachel and I would talk about it and she'd be like, Ooh. And then I just remember one day, like going through old photo albums. And realizing dude looks just like my dad in high school. And I was like, done, done can't and now every time I see him, like now he's like a legit model. Like he's like modeled for shit.

Becca: And I'm like, yeah, dude was fine. The also looks like my dad, when my dad was younger. That's really funny. That is so funny. Yeah. I was like, he's so hot, but also Tony, but also hi 

Julia: Tony. 

Carly: I had an experience of somebody that I had a huge crush on. Went out shortly and we kissed, and it was the worst 

Becca: kid, 

Carly: my entire life.

Carly: And I was like, oh my left. Um, so yeah, I 

Julia: just don't understand. Oh, you could be a bad kisser. Like it's not hard. You know what I mean? It's really upsetting when

Becca: there's like, Couple like percentages, like you can't be hot and smart, except from the currently new, obviously. Um, but like, that was like an, that was like an insult that like, it's like an inside joke between me and my sisters. Like what one of their friends does something dumb. Really. Yeah. But she's really pretty.

Becca: She's really pretty though. So like obviously we just going to have like some faults up here. Cause she's really brilliant stuff. 

Carly: These aren't jokes by the way, for everyone. 

Becca: I just want to put this out there. You can be pretty in smart. Yeah, 

Julia: I believe that these 

Becca: are,

Becca: uh, for the, for the listeners out there. If you think you're pretty and smart, you are you're the prettiest and the smartest, but I felt, and I, I, I stopped counting how many dudes like kiss because it started getting gross. How I don't have an oral. Transmitted

Becca: just from kissing. I was, I was my friends in high school called me a lips and lips. Oh my anyone and anything. I did not care. That's drunk. 

Julia: Julia. When Julia gets drunk, she's like, I need to get somebody 

Becca: in there who you are if you're gay and straight. Thank God 

Julia: for my friends who are like, no girl, you got no prospects.

Julia: You're good. Because the next day I ultimately, I'm always like, why did I make out with that guy? 

Becca: Well, I just remember in all of my research and there plenty of reason, 

Julia: I'm just also, I need to add though that actually it did not show up until her twenties 

Becca: until it was appropriate. Um, the hotter, the dude was worse.

Becca: The kisser he wants. That's 

Julia: not my 

Becca: experience. Solutely the hotter. The dude was either, he was a good kisser. It was either they're a good kisser, but they like to give you hickies. You remember, listen, 

Julia: I am not opposed to Hickey as long as I can cover it. 

Becca: So in high school, 

Julia: no, no, no. I did not 

Becca: want, yeah, they're either a good kisser and they give you hickies.

Becca: Or they're not a good 

Julia: kisser. I've never had the experience of making out with a hot dude who wasn't a good kisser. And I really don't ever want that experience because it gives my favorite part. The 

Carly: one that I was thinking of you guys, there was too much tea. How do you even manage 

Becca: that? How 

Julia: was there doing?

Julia: Did he have big 

Becca: teeth? 

Carly: It was like chewing my face. And I was like, Nope, stop it. 


Julia: heard 10 things. I hate about you is one of my favorite films of all time as a person who has gone through a fair amount of university-level English courses, I'm very much over studying Shakespeare, but I'm not over studying adaptations for an inspired by works.

Julia: I will also add out of the Shakespeare works that exist. Taming of the Shrew is the one story that I own several different adaptations, both in book and film. If you haven't seen the 1953, kiss me, Kate starting Kathryn Grayson, Howard keel, and Anne Miller then honestly you haven't lived. It's a musical.

Julia: It's great. It's singing, dancing. It's beautiful. It's so much fun. There's even a scene where like they're dancing on top of a table. I want to thank my guests today for joining, they will be back to discuss two more flicks that were released during our high school years. Carly, Becca, thank you so much for joining me today.

Julia: Can you tell everybody where they can find you if they want to keep up with you? 

Becca: Um, so all my socials are pretty much private because I have children. Yeah. But 

Julia: you can see me. 

Becca: At Becca Montes. That's at B E C C A M O N T E S. Becca Montees on Twitter. 

Carly: And if you want to get mostly home organization tips, connect with me on Facebook and Instagram at titer revival, or check out tidy, Rebecca.

Julia: Pop culture makes me jealous as written, edited, and produced by me, Julia Washington. If you love our show and want to support it, there's a few ways you can do that. You can become a supporter on Patreon for $10 a month to receive ad-free episodes with bonus content, or you can write a review and rate the podcast wherever you find your.

Julia: And lastly, if neither of those things is your style, you can find us on Instagram. Give us a follow and share video clips with your friends. We're on IAG as pop culture makes me jealous. Thanks for tuning in y'all.

Looking for more?


She’s All That | 7


Clueless | 5