David Yontef and The Hills New Beginnings | 13

Show Notes:

We have a very special guest on the show today! David Yontef, host of Behind the Velvet Rope podcast is here and we are talking Laguna Beach, The Hills, The Hills New Beginnings, and so much more.


Julia: Hey friends, this is pop culture makes me jealous. And I'm your host, Julia. And on today's show, we have a really exciting guest for you. Are you familiar with 

David: behind the velvet rope? 

Julia: If you are, then you will be super thrilled for today's episode. We have hosts of that show, David on today, and we are talking the Hills, the Hills, new beginnings, Laguna beach.

We even dive a little bit into gossip, girl and two, um, selling sunset and a bunch of other shows. So without further ado, here we go 

David: to the.

Julia: David welcome to the show. I'm so excited. 

David: You're here. Thank you for having me. I mean, it's great to take a break from my, you know, so my podcast is interviews, so it's five interviews a week and I don't get to talk about things cause it's not about me. That's literally like, I'm a journalist and I'm interviewing people and it's all about them.

So I love doing things like this because I can actually talk about what's going on. And I can't do that on my own show. Even when I do have people from the Hills on, I can say one word of like, yes, it's a great show to them. And then it's all about them again. So I'm happy to be. 

Julia: Yeah, I'm excited. You're here.

And I have to say, I. So I've listened to all of your episodes where you've interviewed Hills people or Laguna beach people. Cause I'm a, a topic or a guest person when it comes to podcasts. I can't do like a whole, but then yesterday, when I was looking through your podcast and I saw that you had interviewed Kate Flannery, I was like bookmark because I love her.

David: We, you know, when I started my podcast, it was all reality TV. And then one day I was just like, I just want to branch out. There's more to life. So yeah, like Kate Flannery and like Michael Fishman from Roseanne. But I have to say we have some things coming on, some guests, and this is not an ego. There are people I've booked that are even I'm shocked.

I'm like, I don't understand how this person sat down and chatted with me, but there's some big names coming there really are. And this coming week, I have somebody from the Hills, new beginnings. I have somebody else. I have somebody 

Julia: I'm so excited. That's really exciting. Um, so let's dive in. I know you get asked to talk about the Hills a lot and, and Laguna beach too, probably cause they kind of coincide.

So let's just start there with those two. So I'm dying to know, which do you prefer out of the two Laguna beach or health? 

David: That is such a hard question. I mean probably the Hills, but I get Laguna beach. I mean, it was classic and it was. Not getting out. It was more real, even though it wasn't real, it was like, they just didn't really know what they were doing.

So for that, I, and like, you know, like I talked to like Christina Shuler and Alex, um, 

Julia: who are listening, if you haven't listened to those interviews and you love Laguna beach, you need to go and listen to them. Cause they're really, really 

David: great. Yeah. And like Alex M is a two-parter we chatted for like almost two hours.

So like I like the old school. So like in theory, I like Laguna beach better. I do, but I mean, look what the Hills has become high know. Right. It's crazy. Therefore, I probably liked the Hills better just because it's given us so. Much, 

Julia: and it has that vibe to it where when you're kind of leave your hometown and then you go and try and make it big quote, make it big in a bigger city.

And LA is one of those cities that people sort of flee to, to excuse me, um, make their life happen. And then you're watching these kids trying to make their life happen. It just has that. It's a coming of age that we didn't know we needed 

David: kind of right. I mean, who knew that Laguna beach would lead to all of that?

And I mean, really, if we're talking about it, let's not forget the city. I mean, I also liked the city. I 

Julia: loved the city cause Whitney port was my favorite at the time of the Hills, when it was airing live. I just loved how she was kind of more grounded than the rest of them. And then when they gave her her spinoff and then, um, 

David: Jay 

Julia: and her little boyfriend, Jay, I was like, oh, you're cute.

Oh, you have an accent. Oh, I'm here for this. And then I think they only did one season, 

David: right? Yeah. And I'm sorry, Kelly could Tron. I mean like, yeah. And Roxy Olin is Ken Olin's daughter. Who's 30 something. He did brothers and sisters. Yeah. Oh, I didn't realize. Yeah. She's the daughter of the 30 something.

Ken Olin, who also did brothers and sisters. 

Julia: Um, so why do you think, I know you've talked about this before, but for my listeners, because they probably, I don't know if they've heard of you, which is not a bad thing, but there's so many messages now, but so why do you think that the Laguna beach and the, and the Hills was so revolutionary in, in, cause it came out in.

Was it? Oh, 5 0 6. It's pretty. Is it? 

David: I thought it was oh, three, three. Yeah. I thought it was all. Yeah. That's your problem. We're going to go with your rate. Yeah. Um, why was it so revolutionary? I mean, I feel like it was before. We have now. Right? So it was like, I think part of it too was, I mean, MTV was really it back in the day, you know what I mean?

It's what started the real world. So I feel like MTV, the eyes were already on MTV as far as like this genre and as far as like reality TV. So I feel like that's a huge part of it. You know, not like the world we live in now where we have Bravo and then we even have like the Chrysalis on USA and like any network can come along with a reality show.

And if it's good, people will find the network. But I feel like back in the day we just had less networks that we were talking about it there wasn't streaming. And so I think MTV had a huge part. It was before Jersey shore. And it was like, that's where you went for the real world. And then the challenge, and then here came Laguna beach.

I don't know, we had nothing like it, you know, Right. We had nothing, 

Julia: we didn't have it. And I love how he, how there wasn't the confessional. Right. It was just this, it felt like you were watching a TV show of their lives without them giving their opinion of what was happening. So kind of, you still felt like you're watching TV.

You didn't feel like you were watching reality TV in the way in the way that we know it now, obviously, but even back then, it was like, there's still a narrative. There's still sort of something happening, but you don't have the cast sitting down saying, well, you know, I was really upset and whatever it is that they can come back in and reflect on.

And I, 

David: yeah, yeah. I mean, that's what it was. Laguna didn't have the confessionals they didn't. And so that, I don't know, you really. You didn't know, like now you watch the Kardashians or the Chrysalis, like, you know, that it's real, like what's going on in the world, but like, these are fake situations, you know, like when Chris has a birthday or like, you know, Kendall's upset about something, like it's a fake situation where then they go through and act it, but you really believed this was real.

I mean, even though there was all that chatter until the end, you really just didn't believe that it was almost like we didn't know what we know now about reality TV. Yes. 

Julia: I read an article a couple of years ago. Cause I forget how long ago it was, but they were talking about like, there was chatter about Hills sort of maybe having a reunion show.

And um, somebody had written an article about how devastating, the, how devastated they were, that they found out that the Brody Lauren situation was contrived. And it wasn't like quote real. So I rewatched the Hills every summer because it makes me feel better. And I just feel like it's a great show to watch 

David: in the summer to pick up on new things when you regret 

Julia: it every time.

So after I read that article, I was like, yeah, this does kind of feel forced a little bit. Like Lauren doesn't feel like she's into Brody in that way. And, and now I can understand, but, but you know, when it originally aired, it was like Brody and Lauren, you know, please get together. You're so cute and all this, and Brody's just beautiful anyways.

So why wouldn't 

David: you let me Brody, like, are you on Brody's Instagram? Brody has gotten more beautiful. Uh, he, I had to, 

Julia: I had to stop following him cause I was like, I can't handle this much attractiveness. 

David: I mean, he was always attractive, but there's something about him now. I feel like he's more attractive than ever.

Like, I don't know. It's something and 

Julia: maybe it's, he's healthier now that he's not drinking. 

David: I don't know if it did him. Well, it really did. 

Julia: And that's not fair because it didn't do all of us. Well, some of us have proven weight that we're 

David: trying to get rid of that, but it went one of two ways. Yeah. 

Julia: Yeah.

Yeah. So I need to know Hills me beginnings. There's a lot of conversations about whether or not reboot should exist, which I, I I'm here for reboots personally. Yeah. I watched the Conners. I was super thrilled about the mighty ducks reboot. I don't care. 

David: even Melrose place. The reboot I want. Wasn't good, but I loved it, but you're 

Julia: just, you're here for it.

Um, so Hills new beginnings. Let's talk about it. Let's talk about all the things. Talk 

David: about it. Well, I am all. Listen. Will it ever be the original? No, they won't. Is it as good? No. Is it really good? Yeah, it's really still good. I think, I think 

Julia: so too. Not everyone thinks is Adam Divello involved in the new one.

I haven't even looked. I was just thinking style. 

David: Cause it's funny. Like, I don't know if you remember in my Jason Waller interview. When we were talking, it was before this season. It was after last season. It's definitely like, yeah, we're coming back and this and that. And he's like, you know, I'm sorry about last season.

Like he apologize. I didn't say anything. He apologized to me. So there is this consensus among them that it wasn't good. And I said like, you don't have to apologize. Like I logged it and he's like, oh, you know, that's nice if you buy we're making changes. And I'm like, it was fine. 

Julia: Yeah. I really, I really liked it.

I thought that the people that came back, I wasn't surprised about who came back. I wasn't surprised that Lauren and Kristen didn't come back. Cause I think Kristen was already doing very capillary at the time. So conflict makes sense that she wouldn't be available and Lauren's 

David: made it clear. Like she'll never be on reality TV.

Yeah. I 

Julia: saw an interview with her. She has none. I saw an interview with her a couple of years ago and she was, um, she and her husband were, uh, on vacation and he was slipping through channels and it was re-entering and he sees her crying and apparently he's never seen the show and she's like changed the channel.

We're not having this conversation. I thought that was a really interesting reaction because. Catapulted her career in a way. And she's done a very good job at being able to like shift that fame into something successful and sustainable. Um, but I loved it when they brought it back. I was like, yes, this is, this is what we need right now.

Um, and I love that Justin Bobby came back because I just thought he was the cutest. I mean, he's, you know, your resident, bad boy, everybody needs one of 

David: those. They were in New York doing press. Like whenever that was 2000, I guess in 19, I literally followed the whole cast around. And I mean, I ran into them and have pictures of all of them over and over and over.

I love that all day for three days. I'm like, I went to every possible thing to do. I, it, it was literally like, I can't believe that you're all here. I'm like, this is just way too much. No, and I love, uh, Brandon Thomas way love. I thought he was a great 

Julia: addition because he's bringing in a different element to the show.

He's a little bit younger, but he, he he's on their seat just because there's an age difference. He still is able to participate and have moments with them that are real. 

David: Or listen, if you're going to bring it a little panel at Anderson to do a scene or two, like, I'm sorry, you deserve a saw, I mean, the fact that he's Tommy, like, that's just like, it's he fits.


Julia: And he's so handsome when they brought him. I was like, I need to Google. When did Pamela and Tommy have their kids? Cause I feel kind of bad for thinking. You're so cute. Are you over 21? Yes. Okay. I can think you're cute.

So, so was there any buddy from the original Hills that you wanted to see come back that didn't come back that wasn't Lauren. 

David: I'm trying to think. So who didn't come back? I don't think we saw low. Okay. I would have taken lo and 

Julia: Jen bunny. I don't think came back either. 

David: I would have taken loud. Yeah. I would have taken loud Jen bunny, you know, I'll take her a leaver, but lo I really liked 

Julia: low.

Yeah, I did too. I thought she was another, um, again, grounding voice for some of them. Cause they get a little and 

David: she has like a real business and stuff now, but I mean, I don't know. I need, especially this season, to me, there are so many people, like, they're really not all in it. Like we've seen like nothing of Whitney.

So, I mean, it's almost like how hard is it to even sign on? Like, it's not like your Lauren, uh, you know, and it's like, just to show up and do a few scenes. So I think it's like, I like it. I mean, I think we don't need any more people. I think we've reached our max. There's a lot of people. 

Julia: Yeah. There really are.

And in that Justin, Bobby Adrina will, they won't they situation is still kind of there all these years later, which I thought is interesting because I felt like at the end of the Hills, she was very firmly. Like I'm done with Justin. He clearly doesn't want anything to be involved with me and we're done now.

And then here we are fast forward, 10 years later, and it's like, Justin, 

David: Bobby. Yes. Now in listening to all of my Laguna beach and Hills interviews, did you also listen to the Ryan Cabrera interview? Because I've had Brian Cabrera? Not 

Julia: yet. I saw that and I was like, oh, you don't have time to listen to this beforehand.

So it's bookmarked. He 

David: was pitched to me by someone and I'm like, wait a second. I'm like, so wait, so first we can talk about like, this is my, this is when, like I love an interview. I'm like, okay, we'll talk about your music. You dated Avril Levine so we can go there. You dated Ashley since then. So, and now, like, there were so many boxes with Ryan.

I'm like, I don't know where to begin. Like I have so much to discuss with you. Right. You know? And he had some things to say about the Hills. Oh, interesting. Yeah. He had some things and he wasn't like on the let's smear everyone. Cause he had nothing but great things to say about Ashley and like Ross and Jessica.

But when it came to the Hills, he had a lot to say, oh, interesting. 

Julia: All right. Move that to the top of the list to listen to, because that's another will, they won't they situation. And she went back to him a couple of times if I remember correctly and I actually thought they were going to maybe try and bring, did they bring him back last season for a little bit?

Yeah. And I thought, oh, okay. We're still in 2006, I'm here for it. 2006 was a good year for me. 

David: And I assume that like, now that he's engaged, I mean, I assume that they went out. I mean, just as to me that they stunk past it now, like Sean Stewart, because he's like the new Ryan Cabrera and he's rod Stewart song.

And I mean, I don't, I don't buy that. This is just a natural connection. I believe that they were like, Uh, rocker 

Julia: or you need to have me name something. Yeah, I did love healthy. And Justin Bobby kind of had a little bit of a bromance. I thought that was really sweet. But again, Justin has this thing where he does, where he kind of comes in and sort of is like, I don't want to dream up, but then, oh, now you're seeing somebody, so I'm going to come and just sort of like stir the pot a little bit to make it more confusing for you, Audrina.

David: Yeah. I still love all that. So like low would be the one that wasn't there that I would want. But should we also talk about all the new additions because that's the opposite side of it. So, I mean, Brandon Thomas? Yes. Great addition. Who else would you, who, who would you like to talk about next? 

Julia: Um, I at the, okay.

So at the end of last season, I was like, I don't know how I feel about Brody and Kaitlynn. I don't know how I feel about this. And then in this season I'm like, okay. So I think I like Kaitlin because I feel like she didn't, like, I feel like she and Brody are the opposite magnet situation. They're not pulling the best out of each other.

And then in this season, I'm, we're seeing her be sent, not sensible is the wrong word, but that's what it feels like, like with what's her, what's, Brody's new little friend's name. Um, the blonde she's really pretty and very young. And so she's being very like mindful of like, this is typical Brody, but also I don't want to get involved, but also I'm here for you.

And I just really appreciate how she's sort of being firm. 

David: And I love Dar this season. Like they save they've, they've made her the star 

Julia: and she's beautiful. She kind of looks like Nicole Richie to. 

David: Yeah. And I mean, I love how they talk about Miley without mentioning Miley's name. They're like she had a very public relationship with woman, like just say, it's Miley Cyrus.

Yeah. We already know. Yeah, exactly. That's 

Julia: happening. Um, so with, I just keep talking about Brody cause he's so beautiful, you know? And, and I feel like he's, I feel like, I feel like Brody is a little bit like he wants to be loved, but he doesn't know how to get through. 

David: Yeah. I mean, I think like not to be a psychologist, but I think, you know, it has a lot to do with why, you know, having like an absent parent, not just like your parents are divorced, but like Brody was never closed.

I don't remember saying, 

Julia: I don't remember seeing him a lot of like Jenner chatter on Kardashians either. Like I, I remember when I Googled, um, to try and get the type, like not the timeline, but just to get an understanding of how all these kids fallen in place when the Kardashians first aired and then realizing the connection between Brody and, um, the Kardashian, the Jenner clan, and the, in the Kardashian clan, and just watching that evolve over time.

And I think maybe in the earlier seasons Brody and Brandon, right. That's his older brother's name. That, that 

David: unit not a good relationship. And so I think like, I don't know. I just think, I think, I don't know. I guess Brody needs some love, right? Like he needs to settle down. He 

Julia: does Brody and I are the same age.

And so I'm over here watching him on the Hills. Me beginning thinking, honey, I just need you to focus on you. So you can find that person because you clearly just want to be loved 

David: while he doesn't seem to be. I don't think this blonde girl that he's taking a bath with is going to be the war serious at 24.

Julia: That's not a, that's not a thing. And especially nowadays, because she's probably grown up on watching reality TV and knowing exactly who the Kardashians are. Not that I'm saying she has an 

David: agenda. It's just. 

Julia: It's gotta be hard to be in that position to have such a high profile family and be able to trust the people coming in, you know, saying they want to have a 

David: relationship with you.

I can't. And the fact that like, you're hot too. And like, you know, like just Brody can get anyone. Yeah. Yeah. When he, 

Julia: when he, when he first had his like hair situation, I was like, do we like this? And then by the end of the season premiere, I was like, yes, we do like this. This is good hair Brody. Thank you. 

David: I love the new hair I'm able to Brody is like really himself, like on that Instagram, like he is like, literally at that beach, riding the waves every day.

Like, I dunno. I love, I love her. Brody's my favorite now. Yeah. So Caitlin, I feel has on here for it. Didn't know why she was there the first season, but she's kind of became the star. Now we can talk about the other two new ones last season and this season. So this season is Carolyn D Moray, who I'm shocked.

We haven't seen more of, they build her as like the new girl. She's the one who's replacing Nisha and all the drama with Nisha. Yeah. 

Julia: Which I thought adding Nisha Barton last year was kind of a, a failed attempt. I liked her on the OSI. I was like, are they drawing the line? Because she was on the OSI. And like, but then, but she's an actress and reality TV is different because there's a level of improv.

I think that goes into reality TV that you need to be able to do. And not a lot of actors have improv experience. I don't 

David: know. I mean, listen, she had no connection to the group and yes, she was a hundred percent cast as like a, not a joke, but as a light stunt casting, like we're making a nod to the OSI.

That's the only reason listen. And she also was available. Yeah. But that's why she got the job. It was just, listen, they're not going to hire Rachel Bilson. She has serious career and she's busy, but I mean, that's why they hired her it's because she was, and I listened. I thought that it was, I am obsessed with doc.

So anytime you want to talk about the show doc, that's a whole nother thing. So 

Julia: I watched it for the first time last year, cause I was, I had run out of stuff to watch and my friend was like, what rewatch? The OCM? Like, what do you need to rewatch? I've never seen it. And she was like, you can't be my friend until you watch the OSI.

It took me a week to get through the entire thing. Like that's how fast 

David: I consumed it. I mean, and so like, that's why for me, I was so excited that Nisha was calming. Like I love, I love Nisha Barton. I have tried to get her on my podcast. Like I'm obsessed with Nisha Barton obsessed. So all I personally.

Would have stayed with Misha for the next 10 years. Like I did not want her to go anywhere, but objectively. Yeah. It was awkward to watch her and she just didn't fit in. And I'm I get it, like, you know, you're, you're like waiting for your, like, you know, having talked to these people, like I talked to, I talked to Jason Waller about it.

And even if like, you've read some of the articles, like they said, like Nisha was waiting for cues, like seeing do, she was like, what, like, what am I supposed to do? And talking to people like Jason, they all said, when the camera stopped rolling, Nisha was great. Like, what did our, it's just, she was too aware that there was a camera on, she had no lines or no mark or any 

Julia: that's where I think improv can come in and be really helpful for people who are trying, if they're trying to transition from, you know, traditional TV with lines and whatnot to reality TV.

Cause you kind of have to think on the fly, but you still have to embed some of your personality and what you're trying to do. And, and I thought it was awkward last season when they had. Oh, my God. Why is his name? Whereas Helton. Yes. That interaction was so uncomfortable and not in a way where you're just like, you know, we know that you clearly hate him Misha because of all the shit he put you through in the early two thousands.

But like, this is just awkward. 

David: And he's been on my show four times too. I mean, you know, listen Perez and this is not a criticism to him. He's been on budget per, and I say this with actual respect, for as we'll do anything for a paycheck. And I don't mean that negatively. Cause I guess what, I would do anything for a paycheck too.

So he's just like, I mean, I'm not showing up for free. Right? He does really have beef with Nisha in real life. You know? I mean, Perez wants it to be on the Hills now. I think that's going a little too far. He wants it to be the Meesha he like was in, he was in the mixed cause he does kind of know them like Spencer and Heidi and all that.

Yeah. But Ameesha just didn't and you know, she had all the beef with Caroline and now Caroline replaced her. Right. So can I, I don't know. I don't know if Carolyn was edited out because I don't feel like she's been in a lot. She films a lot. Interesting. 

Julia: Um, I, you say Spencer, Heidi, I love Spencer and Heidi now.

You know, when I rewatch the Hills, I'm always just like, oh, Spencer, you're the worst. You're the worst, the actual worst. But then, so when they brought him back for the new beginning, I was like, this is going to be fun to watch. And I'm like, how, how is this? How are you guys like the, like, I love when Heidi gets turned up, I think that's just fun.

But like when they're home and just doing home things, it's still very interesting to me, you know, cause being 30, something with kids, isn't always that exciting, but they're still having, you know, these big discussions, like Heidi wants another baby and like all these things and they're still with them pushing, um, Audrina to Sean, like.

That's kind of a fun storyline to watch too, because that's, that's stating in your thirties, you're married, friends are trying to set you up with people, even though he's, you know, like we've already talked about, he's just 

David: there to be there. Listen, Spencer. And Hy-Vee I agree with everything you just said.

So, you know, when, so also, you know, just to give you a gist of what these people are like in real life, having met them, I have to say that Spencer and Heidi are. Yeah, they aren't going to do things for free in the world, but they are two of the nicest people, believe it or not. They are so, so when I met Spencer and Heidi, I was with a friend and we literally had a Pratt daddy t-shirt made of Spencer holding crystals.

Oh, I love to take a picture and send it to you. It's literally. And so imagine don't even ask how we listen. When you want to meet people in New York, you call me it's a whole thing, but Spencer and Heidi would late to New York and she wasn't feeling well. So the bottom line is we figured out the hotel, they were staying at.

That's what we do behind the velvet rope on my podcast. And we, my friends and I went to the hotel. I'm like, we're just like, we're going to have a drink here at the bar lobby. And we will be here for hours or 24 hours. It doesn't really matter. Sure. We locked out and like Spencer and Heidi and Gunnar, I have a family picture with Spencer, Heidi, and gunner whose parents, like, I didn't even ask.

They had the nanny and they were like gone or there's Todd he's like, do you mind was gone? It was in the picture. Mind, are you fucking kidding me? I'm like, I am going to drop dead right now. They couldn't believe we had like a t-shirt and I'm just like, I mean, to me, when all is said, and Don Spencer and Heidi are the king and queen of the Hills, I agree.

They are the it's there. They made it. So they lost everything. And, but now you can't, that's the thing about why new beginnings is so good. There's certain people like, okay, like you could probably do the show without Jason and ask him no offense to that. And like, frankly, you can't do, you have to have Spencer and Heidi, you can't do the Hills without them 

Julia: because it was, they were such a huge part.

Like their storyline was literally what kept every season of the Hills going, because it's this conflict all the time. And Heidi just loves him so much. And you know, he's kind of doing dumb shit, but that's what you do when you're in your twenties, you do dumb shit. Um, but I love how loving they are as parents too.

And I love that. We get to see that on the show because they're just so. About being mom and dad. And they're so good at 

David: it. And like, say what you want. Let's just think back. Cause we're talking about Laguna beach and Hills. Let's think back to when Spencer and Heidi first started dating, this was a bad boy, a player it's not going to last a one-night-stand a three months.

And you're like, this will never last right. Young there's 0% chance. This relationship is going to last and here they are. And Spencer is in love with Heidi. He is a good husband who is faithful to his wife. Like say what you want. These two people found each other. They are true, truly the same person and they can be themselves.

Yeah. And look, you could see the little stage when like, you know, Heidi and Spencer's like, don't get involved. Like, no, there's a producer. That's saying to Heidi, like, go get involved. Right. So it's a little bit it's okay. Like, we don't really care that it's that set up. Right. Like that part's okay. Like, I don't know, like we're kind of here for it.

Right. But to me, they are, yeah. They have a great relationship. 

Julia: Yeah. They really do. I do kind of wish Stephanie was in the season. I liked that she was in last season. It was so nice to see her come back to you because I feel like in the original Hills, she kinda got the crap end of the stick because, you know, she was coming out of all of these things that were hard in her life and then being thrown on TV, um, be funding Lauren and Spencer hating her for it and all of these things.

And she was just so just conflicted and. I thought that bringing her back for new beginnings for the first season was really great because then she got to kind of share her, her story about like, yeah, these were, things were hard and now it's better. And she looked good. She looked healthy. 

David: Okay. I, when I met Stephanie Pratt in person, I, when she was, I didn't even realize it was her approaching her friends like that.

Stephanie I'm like, no, it's not. He's like, yeah, that's her. She looks, she looks great. 

Julia: God, she really does. I didn't realize she had spent so much time in England. So of course I fell down the rabbit hole of her Instagram and I was like, get it girl, like you do you like? And she had more confidence last season too.

And I don't think she had a ton of confidence in the Hills. So it was really nice to see her come back and be like, I'm here. And I'm the same person, but not, and now, and 

David: I was bummed. I miss her. I miss her. I mean, you know, I think my, you know, you don't just have to agree with me. I think my least favorite.

Out of the old cast. I don't not like her, but this is like choosing amongst like that. They're all, all stars. I just, a dream is not my favorite. Like I, don't not like her. She's just not my favorite. 

Julia: Yeah. She, I, I struggled with her. First season or the first go around a friend of mine. And I actually had a conversation 12 years ago and she's oh my God, Trina.

So beautiful. And dah, dah, dah. And I was like, Audrina is a pain in the ass. Like I need her to find a pair of honies and figure this shit out. Cause I can't keep doing, I mean, thank you guys. Keep bringing Justin Bobby on the screen because I like looking at him. 

David: I like, but I mean, I have to say he's nothing.

He's actually, my third Brody is by far the first and I take Brandon Thomas. The second I put Justin Bobby third. Yeah. I think 

Julia: that's a fair order because it is. Yeah. And I loved how like the whole time in the Hills, you know, Justin, Bobby's not, he's just this gruff sort of guy on his motorcycle, which is when you're in your twenties, it's totally sexy if you like that kind of thing.

And then in this season of Hills news beginning, he's getting a little bit more vulnerable and I was just. Wait, what's the happening? Is he having a life crises? Cause you're vulnerable right now and I'm here for it. Can we get more of that please? 

David: Yes. And I do still think that's a set up to have, like, I think, well, I mean, listen, I, I think because I interview all these different people all week, I just am always like, what is truly natural, but I I'm not criticizing.

I don't care if it's not true. I mean, it's all real, but like, it seems like a setup to me, like, look, I think that Kaitlin's affair or whatever you want to call it with. Miley has, if there was ever a question of whether she, I'm not sure Katelyn would be back this season, if it wasn't for Miley Cyrus. I think that kind of, cause I mean, she's divorced from Brody, like over, I think that was like, okay, let's not discount this girl.

I think they decided to keep our, and then I think when they were. Putting things up on their board. I'm like, what are we gonna do? Okay. Ryan Cabrera is fucking done with us right into the interview. He's not interested. Okay. Let's go data. I don't think Sean Stewart was like the first choice, but I think they landed on him.

And I think with Caitlin they're like, what are we going to do? And I think what Justin, Bobby, like, I think they're just like, oh, okay, these two, we're going to put these two. We're going to, we're going to do something and it's going to be a new law of trial. You see what I'm saying? Cause he did pull her off to 

Julia: the side 

David: and I, I think it's coming.

I mean, what do I know? But I think it's coming and I, I, so I think like that stuff has kind of staged, but not, not in a bad way. Look, the fact that they could even do this during COVID and out with like, so that's the thing. And like, you know, you look at a lot of reality shows too. I think in you're like this person's my favorite that like, would the Hills, like, this is all stars.

It's everybody is great. It works, 

Julia: it works. It does. I do kind of like some, I was reading somewhere. I don't remember. Anyway, somebody was, maybe it was on your podcast with Alex M talking about Frankie and like how he's not like a huge fixture on the season, but he also, wasn't a huge fixture in the Hills either.

He was always just kind of a background character and um, I love his wife, Jen. I think she's so cute. Um, but I w it, it would be nice to see more of them because he wasn't such a big. Piece of the Hills and then they, you know, they do bring them back and you think, okay, how does he kind of fit? You know?

Yes. We know he's part of the friend group, but like give us a little bit more 

David: and bring low on man. I mean, I don't, I mean, I've tried to get her. I mean, she has a real business too. It's nowhere as big as Lauren's, but I mean, you mean to tell me she just, is that serious that she doesn't want to be on TV?

I don't know. She does have a real business. I'm here for it. All. I am upset about Misha. Caroline has been speaking out a lot against Misha really well. Do you know the whole thing when like she's, you know, the whole story like Caroline w the pizza sauce girl was friends with Nisha. They were friends. And when Caroline got cast, Michelle was like, You know, it's almost like firing you and then hiring one of your best friends.

And she has more of a tie with the group than Misha. But when that happened, Misha was like, when people were like, yeah, we heard you're getting fired and we were being replaced and she's like, Carolyn she's like, that would be like watching, like wet paint, dry or something like that. She's like, she's one of the most boring people ever.

So Caroline took the high road and it's just like, you just helped my pizza sauce, sales by like 10. But Caroline now is like, well, Karma's a bitch, bitch. Cause I'm on show now. And you're not. So I guess that wasn't a rumor. So there's really stuff going on in real life between them. But I think Carolyn should have been in.

I'm not sure if what we're going to see, but she was hailed as the new. Like star, like every year. And she's so I don't know if she's now been edited out. I don't know. Yeah. And by the way, I love the updated theme song too. At first I hated it. I'm like, no, no bring, bring back the, or, but now it's like times have changed.

Julia: They've evolved. We've evolved. I love how Spencer has his crystal in his little segment and was like, yo, Chris, Spencer, I just love that you, you have this thing and you're into it. And it makes me happy for 

David: you. They're real. Like there's just Spencer and Heidi are. Just reality, TV, 

Julia: gold, all of them. I know that they talked a lot about to what it was like after the fact being really hard and losing all their money.

Do you think in all that, have you interviewed Heidi and Spencer? Is that a thing that you want to do? 

David: Like we have five shows a week. I would take Spencer and Hy-Vee all five I've tried. I've tried. I've tried. I just, yeah, I've tried. I had a feeling that Spencer and Heidi don't do anything unless there's money.

And I just have a thing where. It's a very slim cause I thought of paying for a gasser too. Like in theory I would, but it's a slippery slope because I've never done it. Cause then like, well, first of all, what amount of money are we talking? Right. Second of all, you pay for someone like a Spencer and Heidi, and then like you get a Whitney.

And then all of a sudden Whitney here, Spencer and Heidi were paid and now it's like a slippery slope where everyone's going to want to get, Hey, I've never paid for a gas. Right. And I've had bigger names in Spencer and Heidi. So it's just like a thing where like, I don't want to go down, but honey, I have tried.

I've been like, I'll take Spencer. I'll take Hy-Vee. I'll take them together. I'll take any combination. I love them both. I like Spencer more than Heidi, but like I loved them both. And Heidi was just, I'm telling you, they were two of the nicest people. I love 

Julia: hearing that because you just feel like watching the Hills, if you don't, if you don't do anything other than watch the Hills, you're not necessarily left with the best impression of Spencer and Heidi, which is why I loved that.

They came back for new beginnings because it's like, we've all grown in the last 12 years. So how have you grown in the last 12 years? But I always wonder if, if Heidi ever regretted. Not being on the show per se, but I understand that she had a lot of pressure and I know she's spoken about how she would get emails about plastic surgery and, you know, facial reconstruction, all this stuff.

And, you know, she, she did sort of succumb to those emails and do those things. And I just, I would love if they wrote a memoir about like that timeframe, I would buy it in a heartbeat because I'm dying to know, like, what do you regret? Do you wish that you hadn't done these things? What are the things that you loved about it?

Just the whole thing I wanted to, I don't want a reunion show. I want you to write your perspective in a 

David: book, speaking of books. So I've gone to like all of their books signings there. You know, I have to tell you, you know, who's not the nice one in real life is Elsie Lauren. That doesn't surprise me because she was so concerned.

This has nothing to do with the Hills. This has to do with all of her books that have nothing to do with the Hills, you know, design and all that. It's like, first of all, Uh, you're not even talking about the Hills. Like you're not up there mentioning, but I've just, I've met her many times. She's just, yeah, she's not listening.

You're at a book signing and every person that's handing you a copy is this is money. You're getting higher on the best seller list. She just isn't having it. She's not. Did you 

Julia: read any of the books that she wrote that are fiction 

David: now? Are they good? No, I've read other people's like I read Nicole Richie's fiction and I've looked at Lisa rent out.

Like I'm, I'm all about reading a fiction book that may have been ghost written, but I've never read 

Julia: hers. It's not good. I was so excited because Hilton had ended and I was like, oh, she's doing other things. I'm so excited. Blah, blah, blah. Cause the Kristin, you know, Lauren drama's forever and I'm here for it.

But Kristen capillary is probably my favorite from Laguna and I, we should talk about her when they announced very capillary. I'm sorry, black Jesus, where you looking out for me? Because I 

David: needed this. Now let's discuss Ms. Cavalera, where should we begin? First of all. So I watched very cavalierly as well yet.

It's one of these things where I didn't love it at first. And then at some point I realized like, this is great. Now, a couple of things you want to talk about what to listen to on my show. This isn't just a plug. Go listen to my talk. I mean, go Google. It it's gone. There was so much press on this with Kelly Henderson.

Kristen's ex best friend. Yes. I had her on my show. 

Julia: Did I love that? Oh, I'm going to have to look and find that one because 

David: she said it wasn't. She was like, I'm here to talk and we talk, oh, I can't wait. I can't, that's what I do on my show. Like, it's literally, like, I don't have an opinion. It's like, I am like, my job is to get you to say what your truth is and then like some tea for the listeners, but I won't comment.

So. It went all. It was like in people magazine us, but like, it got a lot of press, like, she basically had a lot to say about Krista. That doesn't surprise me because he doesn't 

Julia: surprise you just watching it unfold on the Instagram was like, okay. All right. Okay. 

David: Now let me tell you about Ms. Kristen in real life, besides the fact that she is literally not of this planet.

Like, I don't understand how so she's literally dropped dead gorgeous. She's 

Julia: so beautiful. It's not fair. 

David: I mean, yes, yes. And yes, she see, this is why, like you would think she wouldn't be nice. She's like the nicest person, so nice. So lovely. I love that. I like 

Julia: it really broke my heart on very capillary when she was talking to her dad about how, you know, they didn't know that she was going to be sort of edited as the bad guy and that, and how upset, how upsetting that was.

I was like, ah, that's gotta suck to be like 17. And like, yeah, everybody wants to be famous at 17, especially in 2003. And, um, you know, to kind of have that be the outcome. And then you are a really actual, decent human, and everyone thinks that you're this horrible villain. 

David: Uh, it's gotta be hard. It's gotta be hard.

I mean, I think here's the thing of why I love Kristin is because like, she, she has a real business to like, you know, but yet she still did the show, but what I love about her is she, I mean, she, her show did not fail. I mean, she Knolly quit and she's like, I will not have be on TV during a divorce and expose my children to this.

And that is like, you have to love that. Right. I mean, yeah, absolutely. 

Julia: I love how private she is about her family too, because she chose this life, her children didn't and she says that multiple times, I really respect that because I think there's a lot of. Listen, I'm here for everybody's kids. I want to see everybody's kids, but I also in the previous life, worked in government and I've seen what happens on the backend side.

When you make your child's name a hashtag, it's not great. You're making it easy for perverts to find you. I don't recommend it, but at the same time, I'm like, but I'm one of the consumers that's like, yes, show me your kids. Cause I want to see your beautiful family. Um, but I really love how she is mindful of it.

There's a, do you follow do Moi 

David: on Instagram? Yeah. Like I'm not up on it, but I, I, the latest thing though is that whole, um, the whole Jay Cutler thing, you know, Jay Cutler now wants half of uncommon James. Yeah. And it is getting ugly. It is 

Julia: getting hotter, but I appreciate that even do more. Well, when people send anonymous tips about Kristen, she'll still like, if it's a photo show, like still black.

Make sure that their kids' faces are covered up. So I love that people respecting her privacy about her family. Um, have you had anybody else on your show from very capillary? 

David: No. I have tried so hard to get Justin. Andrew said I want Justin Anderson. That would be a great interview. Look. I mean, he's not going to trash, Kristen, and that's not what it's about.

I mean, he'll be loyal to her, but just, I just want him just in general. There's a lot we can talk 

Julia: about. Right. So much fun on the show too. Like, I really love when they do like bits that are just him and his 

David: needs. We get close, we get close, like where he's gonna do it. And then like, he's, you know, some of these people are just very flaky.

They mean, well, Justin's just one of those. Like, I feel like his head is in the cloud. So he says, yes. And then I'm like, okay, well here are 15 dates and times like, yes. Means like, I mean, I'll do it now. Yeah. And then it's like radio silence. It's like, well, sweetie, when you said yes, I mean, that's, I'm ready.

And then nothing like, he just, he vanishes. Do 

Julia: you think very capillary will come back once everything sort of settled? Cause it's it's like you said, it's getting pretty, it's getting pretty intense and I can't imagine the emotional pull that's taking on. 

David: And first of all, all these divorces, I mean, you know, look at like Bethany Frankel's divorce.

And I mean, this divorce is probably years in the making. So I don't, I mean, I don't think it's going to be resolved and I don't think, like, I think, you know, in the end it'll probably settle and who knows what that will be. I mean, she might have, I mean, technically she might have to pay him something because he stayed home.

I mean, yes, he has a gazillion dollars and he chose to stay home, but he did help build this business first. And I think she'll fight that as long as she, and that's the same thing with Bethany, she was like, I would rather spend $500,000 than give you a dollar because the skinny girl is mine. I think Chris, I mean, you know, and then eventually when you.

Five, you know, when you spend $2 million. So like, okay, we have to end this, but I think Kristen just, you know what I mean? Like uncommon James is really her baby. I don't see her just being like, sure. You a check for 300, then, you know, spend 3 million. I think she's going to fight this. And I think this is so because of that, I can't see it coming back.

I just think it's going to be so long. And I think it'll be like a different show at that point. Mind you J J was the fan. He was a little cutie, patootie shots being the whole thing. Cause you know, you really thought they had a good marriage. I mean, 

Julia: because he was super supportive and he just, he wouldn't.

So I'm a single person raising a child who has all these amazing ideas, but I can't make them happen because they still have to pay bills and raise my child. So seeing him be so supportive of her online on the show of her business and her passion and even when they went to Italy, so she could find her family.

Like that was just, it was just so beautiful to see on TV, just that love and support. It felt unconditional. 

David: I don't understand what went wrong. I mean, I get the impression that she wanted this and that he was controlling. I mean, that's kind of my, but that's not with any analysis. That's just like, I think that's what I took away from.

All right. It was a great show though. Yeah. And on E and he needs. 

Julia: Yeah, they do, especially now that the Kardashians are kind of saying Sianora, which is going to be crazy because they've been on TV for so long. Like 

David: it's so here's what I do. I don't watch just the Hills and the OSI and all of this other stuff.

Julia: So I love anything Adam Divello does because I love the way that he tells a story. Okay. 

David: So can we just take a minute now? Breathe. I mean, tell me you watched selling sunset. Tell him obviously the answer is yes. It's literally the best show that possibly has ever existed. So I've had on Jason Oppenheim, I've had on Neri I've had on listen, girl.

You've got, you got a lot of behind the velvet rope episodes to listen to. 

Julia: This is great. Cause I'm going on a road trip in a couple of weeks. So I 

David: have, I had my, a Vander. I had my, oh, and I had a man's on a two-part with a man. Oh my God. I bet. That was amazing. She's like in her own world, but so nice. And it talks about tape dating, tape digs and everything.

Beautiful selling sunset is the best fucking thing that has ever existed. I mean, I can't even tell you how much I love it 

Julia: when, so Netflix is like, we think you're going to like this show and show the trailer. And it was like Netflix. You nailed it. Cause I'm ready. Is it ready? Is it ready now? And then when 

David: you watched it from the beginning.


Julia: absolutely. I was here for every episode. I don't care that what's her face. Um, uh, she got married and she had the zebra. Was it a zebra? 

David: Oh, Christine, that was no, but that wedding look from day to night. Oh, that looks amazing. 

Julia: Beautiful. And I'm just like, I'm here for every single one of you. I don't think I don't like any of you because I'm here for everything that you all are doing.

And because Adam Divello created this, it looks gorgeous. 

David: It feels like the Hills. It doesn't really well. I did the opposite. I did not watch seasoned wine. I was too busy because I do a lot of Bravo and Housewives that cover a lot of that on my show. And then during COVID. It was like that season two and everyone was talking about it.

I was like, okay, listen, I am not watching this show. This is what I said to myself. I have no time. I am just going to watch the pilot of stays. You know, we've got to go in order, start season one, episode one. And just because, you know, and then I'll see, like, it's not going to be that great. And like, I'll do, I'll do it.

And then I'll move on in life. And I'll be like, I tried it. I'm not interested. I did the whole first two seasons within like one day. I'm like, oh, 

Julia: even after season two dropped. 

David: Yes, because that's when people really started talking about it. It wasn't the season one, Michelle and Justin 

Julia: Hartley divorced with all over crucial storyline in season two.

And holy shit, holy 

David: shit. Right. I was late and then I went back and, but I also love like million dollar listing, New York and LA, I don't know if you watch, like, I love a good real estate porn show. It's so, so I just was like, and I mean, then you have these, like, and I asked them all, like, this is where my mind goes.

Like, you know, the two brothers. Yes, they're hot. But like they're sitting up front, all the women are in back. Like, does anyone see this? Like massage? And everyone is like a size zero or negative zero. And you mean, and I asked, I asked them all about that. Like, I'm like, you know, like I said to Jason, like, you need to convince me that you would hire someone.

Who's a great agent. Who's not attractive. Like, I don't, I don't buy it. Or, and like, 

Julia: even like a five foot view, like a normal human, because you see how skinny Mary is and you're like, she's beautiful. But then also like, how do you get that skinny Mary? I don't understand. 

David: They're all just again. But she's, they're all different.

Mary really is the one who is, and she was on my, when I interviewed Jason, he was in the office and mail background. Mary is the worker. She's really the hardest worker at them. All. She's all about the word. Let's face it. Christine is over doing real estate. She's moved on to being an influencer online and wants to be a reality actress and just.

Live her best life in that way. She's not married, just like, you know, whatever the cameras are great. But I'm happy that this helps my business bottom line, this show. Yeah. When I, when 

Julia: they, when they announce, when they shared, at some point on selling sunset that she was like a solo mom and had her child pretty young and became super successful, I was like, get it girl good for you because that's not easy to do when you have a child to raise.

Um, and I know that that's part of the contention in the office is that she gets all the listings. But with you saying that she's a hard worker, that makes perfect sense. Like, if she's here to sell the deal, then she's gonna, she's gonna do whatever it takes us, you know, compared to some of the others.

David: Yeah. I was going to say, I hope that new beginnings goes on. I don't, I have to Google the ratings. I'm very into numbers and I don't know. Where it stands, like how does it stack up against, like my gut says, like the Jersey shore reincarnation is doing better than the Hills. I 

Julia: think I see more promotion of that.

Um, so I watched the show younger on it's technically Arizona TV land, but, 

David: uh, hello? Hello. We love all the same TV shows. I mean, I didn't watch the latest episode, but I've watched every, all the others this season. So far, 

Julia: this episode. I literally it ended and I was like, the fuck next week is the last episode.

How are we going to make this happen? Like, oh, I fucking love younger so 

David: much. It's one of the best shows ever. But 

Julia: yes, I'm here for any show that is going to be like here's a woman. Yes. And give me all of the shows that have a lead character. Female, who's got multiple love, interests that she can't figure out which one she wants.

Cause they bring out different things in her. I love that shit. I 

David: love that. 

Julia: And I did a. With, with going back to your original question. So the Kardashians, I don't watch in chronological order or anything like that, you know how he will do like a Sunday marathon. That's when I sit down for an entire day and will consume what I need to consume about the Kardashians.

And I'm really hoping that they still do that because that's one month of my, or one Sunday of my life a month, what am I going to do? If I don't have that option anymore? It's all about my TV watching habits. He fixed that. 

David: It's there. They're all great shows. They are literally all great showers. So are you 

Julia: going to watch the, um, oh my God.

What is the reboot of sex in the city called? It's escaping me right now. 

David: See, here's the thing. I never watched the first sex in the city. I know that sounds crazy. I was so busy at the time and it just. I just like, it's just, it's one of those shows that just skipped. I just kept over, 

Julia: you know, I think that's okay because I watched it as a young adult and was like, oh, this is totally what life in New York is.

I have no idea. I don't live in New York. I've never lived in New York. I've only ever lived in California. And then as you get older and you kind of get a little bit more life experience, you're just like, um, I kind of feel Carrie kind of sucks a little bit, you know, or, you know, I love Samantha is in Tunis with their sexuality or Miranda's like, you start picking it apart.

Like they would be your friends rather than idolizing him like, oh, I want these friends. You're like, oh, I have a friend like you and 

David: you suck. I should have watched it. But younger has it like, even from the beginning, I loved 9 0 2, 1 out logged that. Oh, gossip girl. 

Julia: How excited are you? Are you excited at all for the re the new one?

Because it's coming out in July 

David: so excited. And I have somebody coming up on my show from. It's not like let's calm down. It's not a blatant live layer, but I have someone from the original gossip girl coming up on my show. I love gossip, girl. I'm going to watch the new one. I am here for ad. 

Julia: So I'm actually rewatching it right now because I'm preparing an episode about gossip girl, the original compared to the new one.

But also my friend was like, oh, you know, that's based on a book. I'm like, yeah, I see that. It says based on the book by Sicily, what's her face. She's like, no, you need to read the book too. 

David: When does the new one come out? Cause I don't even know 

Julia: it's July. I want to say it's on a Wednesday 

David: because this is going to be good for my, my new shows that are coming up.

It's all going to work out. So 

Julia: I'm rewatching it now. Cause so I ha I didn't watch it when originally. July 8th, July 8th is backdrop so soon. Um, it is so good. So my friend was like, last year, my friend was like, oh, things were stressful. COVID whatever. She's like, oh, rewatch gossip, girl, same friend who told me to rewatch the OSI that I had never seen.

I was like, oh, I've never seen gossip girl. And she's like, I dunno what the fuck is wrong with you, but you need to watch gossip girl. 

David: It's so good. 

Julia: It was so good. And now that I'm rewatching it, I just, last night I was on Instagram, just drinking a little too much white wine last night. Cause it was not in the house.

It's like got on Instastories. It's like guys, chase Crawford. How did we not realize how hot he was back then? Cause he was super hot back then and I like super hot 

David: now I realized it, but it was all about late in the star from a, oh, I love her.

Julia: She is so good. And I love all of the tributes shows that they do that show like, um, Her Audrey Hepburn obsession. I just, I love how they reenact that scene for breakfast at Tiffany's where she's running down the alley, finding cat, they did such a great job. It's like the person who wrote that episode had a clear understanding of the film breakfast at Tiffany's to be that well done.

Um, and then when there's another one too, she does, my fair lady sort of has my fair lady dreams as well. And I thought they did a really great job. 

David: Do a new one's going to be good. I mean it's yeah. So 

Julia: w is there, cause I hear chatter about like people, like somebody sent me a Reddit thread where they were talking shit about how diverse the cast is because upper east side isn't diverse.

So I don't is can you put that in context for me? Cause I don't, I don't know. 

David: I mean, I don't know if that's really true. I mean, it is, and it's not really true. I mean the upper east side is not so diverse, but. There. I, first of all, there's no way to show kind of a need without a diverse task. Let's call it what it is.

That's the way the world works now, but it's more diverse than people probably think. Do you know what I mean? Like now, I mean, it is, it is, it is diverse, you know, it is, it's more diverse than people probably think. Yeah. So, I mean, they're going to have a diverse cast, I think. Yeah. It just, it makes sense.

They couldn't have done this any other way. And I don't think it's such a stretch. Like the upper side is not, it's not diverse, but it's not, not diverse. Do you know what I mean? It's more diverse than people probably 

Julia: think. Sure. Which, you know, when you live in California or whole life and you only ever visit New York, you don't really have a whole lot of context there.

David: It's 

Julia: good. I've seen the trailers. I've seen snippets. I'm just like, I cannot wait. Is it going to be a weekly drop? Are we going to just drop it 

David: all at once? Like what is it? Oh, is on HBO streaming or, um, or HBO maps, whatever that is. 

Julia: I think it is going to just be HBO. Max, let me check 

David: for you. That's kinda what I think I have a feeling it's going to be on HBO max.

Well, I'll have to, I should come back on and talk about, I was just going to 

Julia: ask you if you would like to come back and talk about that. Cause I want to do a whole gossip girl thing. Cause I loved last year when I watched it, I, I loved the whole show. I can't believe I missed it when it was first on. Did you watch it when it was originally area?

David: It 

Julia: just is so, and I love. Lily. 

David: I feel like, oh, well, I mean, she was on Melrose place too. She's like my favorite character. I'm obsessed with Kelly Rutherford. I literally obsessed. She's so beautiful. 

Julia: I had just finished the flashback episode where they did a flashback from once, you know, how Serena gets arrested or whatever.

And like they flashed back to Lily and her sister. And I love that they had Brittany Snow play a young Lily. I thought that was a really good, um, brilliant. And I love that. We got such a great snippet about Kelly Roth. Um, Lily's life before children. I thought that was a really 

David: good move it's guide. I will totally come back on when that comes.

Oh, I 

Julia: love that. Thank you. I appreciate you for that. Um, tell me one final thought about your Hills. What? Okay. How do I 

David: want to say this? Yes. 

Julia: Okay. I have a couple, I have a two part question first for my listeners. If they were to pick one Hills Laguna beach interview of yours to listen 

David: to who should that be?

I really like the Jason Waller interview the best, because I love talking about like, listen, I have a very serious side sometimes. And I just, I love talking about. Things like fame and all that. But like with Jason, it was all about substances and addiction. I mean, listen, it's a lot about the Hills. Lauren is forever the girl that didn't go to Paris and like, we talk the Hills, but I love that we can get into like addiction.

I mean, Jason just slipped up like a year and a half. I mean, it was fairly recent and just we'd go there. And so I don't know, the Jason Waller and he was just a great guy. I think that interview, we talk about it all. Literally we talking about Nisha there's new cast, Laguna everything. So I think Jason is the one to do Alexander and Christina Schoeller were great.

Yeah. Ryan Cabrera is just a different. Sort of, you know, cause he's been on the mall. I mean, you've been there, but I would say Jason Waller would be my number one. That 

Julia: is a really good interview. I really appreciated how open. I really appreciate how open he is about his addiction and his relationship with alcohol.

Because I don't think that we have enough people being as authentic as he is being about those things. So when, when you guys got, got deep down and dirty about it, I was like, oh, I'm so here for this because it makes me understand him better. Especially during that timeframe being young and rich and famous and how hard that can really affect you if you're not prepared for it.

David: That is a creative, it's a good one. That's that's the one I would do. And I have somebody coming this week from new beginnings. Can't wait. Somebody. Yeah, somebody I haven't had before. 

Julia: I love new beginnings. But when you, when you talked about on your Alex M interview and they were talking, she was talking about how they were kind of talking in talks a little bit about doing a Laguna reboot or whatever, but then like Hills and new beginning kind of came out, I'm here for the Laguna 

David: reboot.

Like I like where's Talon where it is, you know? I mean, Stephen Colletti is not going to do it because he's busy, but like where are these other people? I mean, they're all busy, but like, you could make something on a tray, you can make something out of it, honestly. 

Julia: And listen, you guys, they don't need a big network.

Just dump it on YouTube, but also watch it, 

David: put it 

Julia: somewhere on Instagram. I GTV I'll still watch it. I'm here for it. I 

David: just put it. So I agree with that. Yeah. Yeah, 

Julia: I would love that. None of my friends watched the Hills they'll think I'm too old and I'm just like, I'm going to 

David: come back for gossip role, for sure.

Julia: Yes. I'm actually working on that one right now by rewatching 

David: Camry. Watch it. And then whenever you want to talk about it, I'll be back. Oh, so excited. 

Julia: Okay. Tell everybody where they can find you if they're not already following 

David: so they can listen to my podcast. I tell everyone if you are completely annoyed by me here today, guess what?

You should still listen to my podcast because I don't talk on it. It's me. I am a journalist and I am answering questions and getting all the dirt for you. And I go there. I will ask like Alex M you know, convince me that you are not jealous, convinced me that you don't look at a Kristin capillary and you don't say to yourself, That could be me and I could have all that money and all that fame.

I mean, I sure you have a great life. I need you to convince me fabulous vacations, right? Like I'm going to go there and ask the questions. You actually want to answer it. So if you are annoyed by me, just come and listen to my podcast. Cause you won't hear me. It's just me asking questions. And the other person talks behind the velvet rope, literally behind the velvet rope, anywhere podcasts are found and you can follow me on Instagram at behind a velvet rope.

There's no dogs. Just app behind velvet rope. And hopefully you'll, it's all, it's five interviews a week. It's not just reality. I've tried some people from younger. I have someone from gossip girl coming up. We have actors, actresses, but lots of reality. So, oh, ton of people coming up from 9 0 2 0.0, I just had Randy spelling on, oh, the Randy spelling interview was phenomenal.

You should listen to it. That's a good one. It's all about, like, when did you realize at what point in your life did you realize your life is probably not like other children, right. Right. And how was it? And when you went down to the famous Christmas parties. Oh yeah. Like there was Michael Jackson, the Randy spelling one was a great interview.

And how do you feel when you're sitting at home and you turn on the TV and there's true. Tori and you're watching with the rest of the world that Randy is, that's a good one to listen to, but I've gotten 9 0 2, 1 oh stuff coming out for you. Oh, my gosh, I 

Julia: can't wait. 

David: And so this is my pie. It's all pop culture.

They're never going to have like a sports person or something like that. It's all rooted in pop culture. So we weren't 

Julia: like, yeah, we weren't allowed to watch 9 0 2. When I was at least I wasn't, my sister could cause she was much older than five years older than I am. And so I would sneak watch it and it was just, 

David: it's so good.

I'll come back though and keep in touch with me cause we'll, I will really set it up to come back. This was really fine. 

Julia: I really appreciate you coming on today and taking the time out to be here and to talk with me about the Hills. And I look forward to listening to all those recommendations that you make.

And I encourage everybody. Who's listening to listen to those episodes of therapy interest to you. I have listened to your podcast. It is really, really good. It is really good. 

David: Thank you. And before we leave, who do people tell you that you look and act and sound like? 

Julia: Um, I've gotten a lot of Rashida Jones.

But I don't think 

David: anyone else really 

Julia: listen. I live in a very small town that has a lot is limited in culture. 

David: I completely think for me, you are like a dark haired Tori spelling. You've never been to Paul that you look like Tori spelling to me 100%. 

Julia: Listen, guys, that's just made my day and now I'm going to have an overinflated 

David: ego, the little like older pictures of Tori.

When she was young, she had glasses like yours. Hair-like you Google desk. Do 

Julia: you remember? She was on saved by the bell and plead searches. Girlfriend loved her there. 

David: Yeah, you look up. Oh, Google it. All right. I'll come back. 

Julia: I love it. Thank you again so much for coming on. This was really a joy. I feel like I know you a little bit because I've listened to multiple episodes of your podcast.

So it was really 

David: exciting. Listen, we will talk. I'm going to come back for gossip girl for real. Oh, 

Julia: I'm so excited. I will reach out and we'll make that happen. And thank you so much for being, 

David: oh my God. Anytime. Thank you. It's been fun.

Julia: things are today. I really hope you enjoyed this conversation with David. Also be sure to tune into his show. If you haven't already. I know I've listened to a couple of those episodes, mostly the ones that have lacuna bay beach, the Hills celebrities, but also he's got a pretty interesting breadth of, of guests on his show.

So it's totally worth it to look into it. He's a great interviewer. He gets a lot of really good stuff. Yes. So definitely take the time. Okay. Now for reals now for reals, Bridgeton starts in just a few, have a great one. Everyone talk to you all later. Bye .

Looking for more?


Younger Part 1 | 14


Fleabag | 12