First Wives Club | Bonus

Show Notes:

This week Julia Washington is joined by Natalie Katona and Mario Mello to discuss First Wives Club.

This is a Patreon Bonus episode! For the full episode visit: 


Mario: So before we get started, did you start the White Lotus yet, Julia? 

Julia: I haven't started it yet. 

Mario: Oh my gosh. 

Julia: I know you're mad at me. 

Mario: This season finale just happened and it was so good. 

Natalie: I'm so proud of myself for watching all of it just to get involved. Last night's hype, like 

Julia: did you watch all, both seasons, the whole thing.

Natalie: I watched all of it in preparation to watch live on Sunday with the rest of the world because I love nothing more than to get onto something late just for the big hype moment. . Yeah. That's how I did Game of Thrones too. I was like, why would I do this for 10 years when I could do it in three weeks? 

Julia: I don't think I'll ever watch Game of Thrones, honestly.

Julia: No. 

Mario: I've seen a few episodes, but I'm like not Well, 

Julia: and because there's so many seasons, like at that point you're just like, why even try? Unless I'm like off for a month. Like I got into Shameless at season four, which was the right time to do it? Mm-hmm. . And then anybody at that I met once it hit season eight.

Julia: I was like, only if you got time , because it's a commitment. And then they went 10 fucking seasons. 

Natalie: Yeah. Oh, remember when Weeds was good for three seasons, but also went for like 10 seasons? Was it on that one? ? I dunno. But like, remember how weeds gas lit us? ? Aw, 

Julia: I, I don't remember anything about weeds from that.

Mario: I was gonna say lost. Did the same 

Natalie: thing. Lost also did the same thing, but the writer strike. Fucked. Lost over. Yeah, it did. I wish that they would redo. Just reboot it. 

Julia: I think we're okay without lost. 

Mario: Okay. My other favorite show was Heroes and that was one 

Julia: show that got, that one definitely got messed up because the writers strike.

Julia: I also loved Heroes. Yeah. It was a brilliant concept. I have the first season on DVD v d actually, 

Mario: I, I, yeah. I bought all four. They had 'em on the cell on Voodoo the other day, a few weeks ago for Thanksgiving. Nice. And so I bought the Four Seasons. So I'm slowly working my way through it, just as like a 

Julia: background.

Julia: Nice. Um, confession. The only reason why I started watching Heroes is because of Jess Milo. 

Mario: Vitu. because 

Julia: of Milo. To me, 100%. That's, I have followed, 

Mario: followed him. That's my character, huh? Milo. Peter. Peter Petree is my character. That's your character. I 

Natalie: also like his broken brother. Mm-hmm. . 

Julia: I have followed him to every single show he's done on television.

Julia: Every single. That I'm 

Mario: aware of. Wasn't he a doctor on one show? What show was he a doctor in? He was a doctor. I swear. He was a doctor in one show. 

Julia: Are you thinking about, you're thinking about Logan Logan's a doctor on a, on a show. Oh, maybe that's what I'm 

Mario: thinking. 

Natalie: Oh yeah. I watched that show and I like, and then that was another show where like I just kind of turned it on cuz it was on Hulu and then I realized that there were like too many seasons and I wasn't actually like, Gray's Anatomy does a really good job of like making it a continuous story, but most medical dramas are just like, this is an hour in the hospital.

Julia: Yeah. It's like each episode stands alone. Yeah. You don't really need to watch the other episodes to know what's going 

Natalie: on, so I like completely checked out. Then Emily Vande camp. Quit and I was like, well, it can't be good after she quits . I mean, 

Julia: it wasn't great before she quit and I still watched it anyway, cuz Malcolm Jamal Warner.

Natalie: I know. He's so hot. He's so hot. 

Julia: Anyway, well, in the interest of time, we should probably 

Mario: get started. He was a, sorry. He was a doctor in a movie pathology, which is a horror movie. That's what I was remembering. 

Julia: Oh yeah. I won't follow him to 

Natalie: scary shit. Also, we got so much hi hype that he was gonna be in the Miss Maisel season and he was in it.

Natalie: an episode and 

Julia: I was like, I don't remember there being a whole lot of hype. I remember do Ma talking about it and being like, oh, but Amy Sherman Palladino and Mindy Kay Link, like all a lot of people do that. They tap their previous shows to bring people in. Mm-hmm. like half the Maisel cast was on fucking Gilmore Girls.

Julia: Yeah. 

Natalie: And it's the same with Bun Heads. Mm-hmm. . 

Julia: Okay, we should probably get started. , 

Mario: this is, this is the banter part. . Yeah. I like when you write in your scripts. Banter. Banter. 

Natalie: The banter,

Mario: You guys all practice the dance, right? So we're gonna do it live on 

Julia: the show. Oh my God. Mario. Mario, are you coming to my party Saturday? 

Mario: I was gonna tell you I can't, it's. . I really wanted to, but it's my niece's fifth birthday. This is so, oh, that's more important. No, you gotta do that. We had, we had to move it to Saturday, so Yeah, I had all intention planning to go fine, but that's why I was asking you yesterday what you were doing.

Mario: Cuz it was like, well I'm in Modesto. Maybe I can, you should have said 

Julia: you were in Modesto. Oh, 

Mario: you said you had a friend coming into town. That's then I was like, oh she's gonna, yeah. 

Julia: Yeah. You know what that bitch and I got drunk Saturday night and she fucking bailed. Like I texted her at noon Cuz what time did I text you?

Mario: Like nine 

Julia: or 10 in the morning, right? Yeah. Yeah. So then I fucking texted her at noon thinking that was plenty of time and she did not respond . Aw 

Mario: man, I should have text you. And like I remember that well. Cause I had to go to the mall, so I was like, oh, I'll be pick. We should do lunch. But 

Natalie: then, 

Julia: yeah. Aw, bummer.

Julia: Oh, well next 

Mario: time, next. I'll be modest in a few weeks. So. 

Julia: Yeah, catch. You can just come over in a couple weeks. That's cool. Okay, 

Mario: now for what? Except though we're gonna have a Golden Globes party at your house, just 

Julia: fyi, actually. Yeah, that's a great idea. Cause you know what? I've got all like almost all the rooms set up and it'll be so much fun and I wanna start hosting more 

Natalie: parties.

Natalie: But maybe I'll have time to get affiliate marketing rich by the time the Golden Globes are happening. Yeah, and then we could travel come out , and then 

Julia: we'll just have one big live and we could live stream it. It'll be great. We live on YouTube and 

Mario: Instagram. All Natalie is, it's what, 10 o'clock and now is?

Mario: It's 10 o'clock 

Julia: for Natalie. We really need to respect her time. Okay, here we go. Hey. Oh, . I need a pop filter. Hey. No, I'm, you know when I exhale too much. I need a pop filter. I don't. Mine broke. Okay, here 

Natalie: we go. Is that the intro to the podcast? ? I'm 

Mario: gonna do the interview. I need a pop filter. Yeah. 

Julia: Okay. Here.

Julia: Hey friends, this is Pop Culture Makes me jealous where we talk about pop culture through the lens of race or gender and symptoms. Both Mario Mellow and Natalie Catona are here and we are discussing First Wives Club.

Julia: Hey, jelly Pops. We've been on an unexpected break this December. The winter months can be tough, so I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for sticking with us this season. As you know, I write, edit, and produce this show on my own, and I'm so grateful to our Paton community because it helped.

Julia: Keep the show going. This episode is the Patreon bonus for this month, so if you want the full thing, head on over to Culture makes me jealous to join. It's super easy to become a member. 

Mario: And 

Julia: now here we go to the show.

Julia: First Wives Club was released on September 20th, 1996 in Stars, Diane Keaton, Goldie Han, and Bette Midler. But before we dive in, let's meet our guests who you should already know if you're a regular listener of the show. This is why we shouldn't record things late at night. Just kidding. We love you, Mario.

Julia: We will accommodate your schedule. It's not late at night where you are. I know, but its late at night. It's, 

Natalie: I am 

Julia: five 30 in the morning. 

Mario: Take nap. Julia. I love nap. I couldn't do. 

Julia: Okay. Okay. Okay. Natalie Katona is the creator of the podcast to All the Men I've tolerated before, which is your weekly look at everyday misogyny.

Julia: And is one half of the live show still comfy. Mario Mellow is the creator of movies with Mr. Mario on Instagram where he provides movie reviews and industry news and he's of both of them, are Frequenters on this show. Welcome back, my friends. 

Natalie: Why Thank you. I will be representing the Goldie Hans of the episode.

Natalie: What up? My Goldie Hans. I I 

Mario: wanted to represent the 

Julia: Goldie Hans. You can both represent the Goldie Hans of the ones we had this 

Natalie: conversation and you picked Bet. I'm pretty sure. No, you both 

Julia: were Goldie Hawn because I'm not. Okay. Mario was like, who are you Julie? I'm like, obviously I'm Diane Keaton. She's 

Natalie: Diane Keaton.

Natalie: Right. We, you know, I was gonna assign you Diane Keaton . 

Mario: I want, I just recently, I watched the movie. And then I watched it again just to catch up and the whole time was like, oh my gosh, that's totally what Julio would do. Oh my God. Oh my gosh. This is totally a 

Natalie: conversation. Just, just telling us that some useless man is really, really nice.

Natalie: We're like, what? You and I are just like in the corner being like, he's not nice though, right? He's a creepy dad from seventh Heaven. Right? Like I have that right. . 

Julia: Yeah. Steven Collins, right? I dunno. Yeah. He's so creepy. 

Natalie: I. 

Mario: Stacked this movie was with like actors 

Julia: so stacked and we'll get into it. So like I mentioned earlier, first Wives Club released in 1996 in Stars, the powerhouses that are Diane Keaton, Goldie Han, and Bette Midler, as well as a host of an other incredible faces for those unfamiliar with the film.

Julia: Here's a quick summary, and if you're a regular listener of the show, you know, we take it from Google. Because everyone, Googles and whatever Google says is what? What people believe. 

Mario: Okay, here we go. 

Julia: Despondent over the marriage of her ex-husband to a younger woman, a middle-aged divorcee plunges to her death from her penthouse at the women's funeral.

Julia: Her former college friends reunite for the first time in nearly 30 years. When the three discover the reason for their friends suicide, they realize that all of their ex-husbands have taken them for granted and deciding it's time for revenge. They make a pact to get back at their exes. I feel like, um, Google was like, here's some really tragic.

Julia: And now, and the funny stuff. . Well, 

Natalie: here's the thing. Good on Google. Uh, because you know how, you know that you saw a movie way too young in life when your brain has completely written out the suicide that happens in the first four minutes of the 

Julia: movie. So my first question to the group is, how old were you when you first saw this movie?

Natalie: A child, not like a teenage child, like a seven year old child or something. 

Mario: Okay. . I was, well, so it came out when I was 10. . But I wanna say I didn't see it till I was like 12 or 13. Okay. 

Julia: I was 12 and I'm pretty sure that's when I saw it. What was the year it came out? 1996. So I was 

Mario: eight. You were like four.

Mario: I was eight. 

Julia: because, because for me it tra cuz uh, September of 96. So at that point, , we had a major family thing happen. Mm-hmm. and my parents went from being sort of attentive to just like non-existent, aware of anything. Um, and so there used to be hard, fast rules about what I could watch, and then those just went out the window.

Julia: Cause Yeah. Have you ever into survival mode? So 

Natalie: crossed over to, to all the men I've tolerated before land, you know, that my parents. non-existent the entire time. I was wildly unsupervised. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm sure I didn't see this movie in theaters and I'm sure like my mom didn't make a point to rent it from Blockbuster or whatever, but I'm sure that once it was syndicated, it was one of the, and like out for release and we purchased it.

Natalie: It was one of those movies where my mom was like, why would this be bad for you to watch? And I'm like, that lady just jumped off a building. But you don't see 

Julia: it. It happens off screen. No, you don't see it. Yeah, it's implied. It's 

Mario: important and it's only pg. So PG back then was what? PG 13 back then. Oh, that's true.

Julia: Yeah. Pg. Pg and then up until 2005 was like, why is this pg? This is very mature content. Yeah. 

Natalie: I feel like my mom and dad got away with so much content because everything was rated PG because like the nineties were a wild 

Julia: time. Yeah. Well, and it was in 1998 that television introduced ratings. Mm-hmm.

Julia: because I remember I really wanted to watch Dawson's Creek and my mom. Was like, uh, whatever. And then, , the thing comes on the screen and it's on TV 14, and she was like, you're not 14 . And I was like, yet, I'm not 14 yet, but I will 

Natalie: be. So my parents would let me watch every unhinged fantasy movie where Tom Cruise is like having sex with the unicorn or, um, the crypt keeper or anything that was like part of their agenda.

Natalie: But the moment I wanted to see Josie and the pussy cats and it was rated PG 13, my dad was like, no rock and roll lifestyle for you. And I'm still mad and I feel like I've brought it up on this show. 

Mario: sex, drugs, and Rock and 

Natalie: roll. Nope. Sex, drugs and rock and roll. Like he was 

Julia: like, absolutely 

Mario: not effects, but suicide horror killing.

Mario: Right. 

Julia: That's fine. That's a no-go . So like I didn't realize that it was Stalker Channing until I was probably like, 18 or 19. 

Natalie: Right. And honestly, if Stalker Channing was probably in more than six minutes of the movie, I probably would be the stalker Channing of the movie, just like chain smoking in my furs, maybe sitting in the bathtub in my fur.

Natalie: Cuz I'm eccentric , 

Mario: giving your jewelry to the housekeeper, 

Natalie: giving my jewelry to the housekeeper, waving hi to. You know, bimbo next door on the tr 

Julia: on the, on the StairMaster. 

Mario: StairMaster. So, so random like thought I had was like, she gives her the jewelry and then she like jumps off . So I'm like, what's, what makes anybody think that she didn't steal that jewelry?

Mario: Like, right. More than likely they're like, oh, where'd you get that? I swear she gave it to me. Really? I need it back. Like, right, right. So I'm just like, you can't. 

Natalie: The first four minutes of the movie would've been an entire season of the Desperate Housewives. Like, yes. It would've been like Eva Longoria trying to be like, oh no, she would've never

Julia: Well, and then my thought was like, oh my God, that poor woman on the StairMaster was like, hi neighbor, looking out the window. And then, oh, 

Mario: shit. Like, yeah. Oh yeah. And then you always wonder what happened on the bottom, cuz it's like all those people walking my gosh into New York isn't, you're like, did it happen in front of kids?

Mario: Did it ha Did she land on somebody like 

Julia: Yeah cuz they're on Park Avenue probably. So, you know, I don't know. Splash. And then, okay, so then I love the way that we meet. each character in adulthood, because the opening scenes are them gradu. They're college graduation in 1969. Mm-hmm. . So this movie is very much a capsule of the nineties, which I appreciate, which I think is why they can get away with still some of the stuff that happens because if they tried to not be, like, if they didn't, Put the year, like if they didn't kept saying it's the nineties, I don't think that some of these jokes and some of these things could still be funny, if that makes sense.

Julia: Yeah. Yeah. . But I love the way we introduce that. We get to meet everybody in adulthood and Goldie haunt. So I recently learned, cuz I don't do stuff to my face except for wash dry moisturizer. Mm-hmm. , sometimes I'll steam and then like makeup. So I recently learned that when they do filler mm-hmm. , they put the needle all the way in and as they pull the needle out, they're slowly injecting the filler into the.

Julia: Yeah. 

Natalie: Did you never watch, um, Heather? It was one of the Real Housewives husbands had like a medical show because maybe it was botched. Have you never watched Botched? Oh yeah. 

Julia: Why the fuck would I watch Botched ? Because it's fascinating. . No, 

Mario: I don't want watch tend to see everyone like messing up. I can't watch, like 

Julia: I can't watch You never 

Natalie: watch Nip 

Mario: Tuck?

Mario: No, I did watch Zip dip. Oh, 

Julia: I gnip dip. I'm too sensitive. You guys. 

Natalie: You never watched The Swan. Box where they told a bunch of ladies that they were ugly and then gave ? 

Julia: No, I was fundamentally against that show actually. 

Natalie: Actually, I, I probably also was ly against the show, but I, Fox, I need an empirical evidence as to why I would be against it.

Natalie: So in the year of 2022, I could tell people, do you guys remember that we concept. This show as a society . 

Mario: Oh my gosh. 

Julia: I just was like, and in that scene is Rob Reiner, which I love cuz he was like everywhere for a long time. He was. 

Natalie: Yeah. I love like at No Boy ever until maybe. They're calling Goldie Ahan out for being an alcoholic.

Natalie: Do I ever feel sad for the fact that Goldie, Han's entire personality is that she can't age for whatever reason? I was like, Goldie's the most empowered woman in this movie, . Oh my gosh. And I think it's just because she's the movie star and she's chain smoking the entire time, so I'm like power. 

Julia: Yeah. I do love her character a lot.

Julia: I love all of 'em actually, because, I love when I love Brenda because she's just like, she doesn't give a shit. She's just like, I'm gonna say it. We're all thinking it. So I just said it out loud and you're just like, and then Annie's like Brenda, oh my God. Clutching her pearls. Let's not to say I'm a pearl clutcher, cuz I know I said that.

Julia: I'm the Diane Keaton in the group. , 

Natalie: are you trying to tell me? Well, you're not a Carl Clocher. . Mm-hmm. . 

Julia: Mm-hmm. Because I think there were some things like I wouldn't have had, I would've been the Goldie Han in the situation when they were exiting Morty's apartment, and they have to get down. The thing that I, that would've been my idea, like, ladies, is the only way we can get down, get the 

Mario: fuck in this thing.

Mario: Really? I feel like you would freak out. Yeah. I You think it would freak out? I think you'd be freaking out, because I feel like Natalie would be the one be like, 

Natalie: all right, I'm doubly afraid of. So 

Julia: I'm, I'm the person you want in a crisis. I'm really good in a crisis. Compliments of being raised by a cop. I was gonna say it's 

Mario: the mom brain too.

Mario: The mom would go to the mama bear. 

Natalie: But yeah, I also like for things to just be over. So I was like, I would be also be like, I guess we're dying on this like piece of machinery at the window.

Mario: We're joining 

Natalie: Stalker Channing in 

Julia: a similar fashion. Oh my gosh. Um, window washing things do actually scare me a little bit, but if it, between that and getting caught and having to deal with whatever that situation is, I would choose the window washer exit. 

Natalie: Number one. Now, at any point, did none of them think we will just breathe quietly underneath a bed or a closet or anything?

Natalie: Well, 

Julia: they were trapped upstairs in the office. The office. It was just the office inside. There was no closet in. There was no clo. It was just the office. So like for our friends at home who haven't seen the movie, which I don't know what's wrong with you, this movie is old. There's a scene where the three women have to get into Morty's apartment to figure out.

Julia: Yeah. Brenda's husband to, to find evidence of him selling stolen goods, which is a felony 

Natalie: committee tax 

Julia: fraud. Yes. Okay, pals, that's all you get for this week's episode. If you want the full episode and all other bonus episodes, you can head on over to Culture makes me jealous to join our community and unlock all that bonus content.

Julia: We will be back in 2023 with the rest of season four. We've got some amazing topics coming your way from Whitley Gilbert to the show, Harlem. We're even talking about Bridgeton and the nanny. We've got some amazing guests lined up and I'm so excited to share it all with you in 2023. If you're new to the show, now is a really great time to get caught up on older episodes before the new ones begin to drop.

Julia: Wishing you all good health and blessings and see you all in 2023.

Julia: Pop culture makes me jealous, is written, edited, and produced by me, Julia Washington. And I am fueled by the incredible support system of women who allow me to run ideas, cry, melt down whenever I feel overwhelmed. I also wanna do a big shout out to our Patreon community. Thank you for your continued support.

Julia: It brings me great joy to bring you quality content, and monthly get togethers. Thanks for tuning in y'all. Until next.

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