Bridgerton Pt. 4 | 19

Show Notes:

This is our last installment of the our discussion of Bridgerton! Melissa is here and we discuss episodes 7 & 8.


Julia: Welcome back gentle listeners. This is pop culture makes me jealous. And I'm your host, Julia.

This is our last installment. Of our Burton discussion with Melissa on today's show, we discuss episodes seven and eight. Hope you enjoy episode seven. It's called oceans apart. They come home, they have all this stuff. Everyone's happy. They're like. Uh, Violet's like, it's going to be great because the duke and Duchess through here, that's going to help us.

Right. And as they're sort of discussing how to do this, because Anthony's like, we can handle it, whatever it's like, cool. Your britches answering you, can't handle shit and violence. Like I understand how to navigate this type of scandal and in their conversation when she says having the duke and Duchess here is going to really help with perception, Daphne says to her, and no one will be the white.

By pretending nothing is a miss is the perfect way to lore the ignorance into submission. Isn't it? Is it not the mall? And I was like, that is such a loaded statement in so many ways. It works perfectly with the context in that they're fighting the whole Collin marina thing, but then it's also totally works within the context of like Daphne's hurting.

She, she feels betrayed by her mom as well as the duke, because nobody explained to her. What marriage really is going to look like she's grieving. I just 

Melissa: putting this idea of what it was going to be and like grieving. I feel like she's also grieving relationships because they're different now. Like her relationship with her mom is tainted now because she doesn't trust her mom anymore.

She grew a relationship with her brothers are tainted now because they didn't, they didn't have her best interest at heart. To me did not have. Her best interests at heart. Right. He had his best interest at heart. Right. And I think that's also something to grieve as well is like the, the family relationship that is now different.

Julia: Right. Right. And not just because. Been married off, but because there's so many elements now, so many moving parts that are sort of out of Violet's control and Anthony's control too. One of the things that we haven't really touched on is Benedict's storyline, like most middle children, even though he's like at the top of the middle order, he's sort of struggling on where he fits.

He meets this guy who hosts sort of these artists salons and they're wonderful and they're lovely. And he's sort of developing who he is within that. And they have all these men nausea, twats. So funny to me. I don't know why. So there's, so there's that sort of subplot happening in the background? So episode seven, lots of things sort of start moving forward and coming to head, Daphne decides that she's going to assist marina in finding George and what happened to George and Daphne and Simon have a conversation about why Simon won't have children.

I thought that was really. Powerful because now he's starting to slowly open up Olin with his vulnerability about the situation with his dad, but not fully, like he's still not fully there. Right. So what I thought was, okay, here's where I'm going with this. I promise I have a point, the title of the episode being oceans apart at the very end, when they're at this party Benedict Fredericton.

Has witnessed, sir, Han Henry Granville, the person who hosts these artists salons, who's also a second born child. So he doesn't have the responsibility of his brother who I'm assuming is also, if I count, he sees him in a romantic physical situation with a man and is shocked by it. And so then it doesn't really call them on it, but he's just sort of treading lightly on the situation.

Right? So Bennett. It's like, how do you make this happen? Like, I don't understand like what this is he says to Benedict, you cannot possibly understand what it's like to be so close to someone yet oceans apart. And. That's again, another great parallel because you have Daphne and Simon in this, in a similar situation, they are very close to each other, but because of these two or three things, they are like on opposite sides of the planet when it comes to how to move next and how they are feeling.

But they deeply love each other still, but you think that he's only referring to himself that sir Henry Granville is only referring to himself. He's referring to all the things that happened in the episode, marina and Colin being found out, Penelope his love for Colin, the duke and the Duchess. And it just really like that reminder that love is super complicated.

And if you're not willing to make. Then what are you trying to do? And sometimes 

Melissa: circumstances just work against you and like as much work as you can put in, sometimes circumstances do work against you and it still doesn't work out. Right? Like with marina and Colin, like it's not going to work out. The Richardson family will never accept 

Julia: that.

Right. They won't accept 

Melissa: that. They're not going to let Colin father a baby. That's not his and C and B. I mean that will wreck their status. So, I mean, yeah. And 

Julia: then, and then, you know, and same 

Melissa: with the duke and the duck and like the same with the duke and the Duchess. Like they love each other, they loved each other this whole time.

And then something constantly is like, it's almost like the. It's like magnets that like, if you flip them, if you flip one of them to the opposite side, then they just can't, they can't match up. It 

Julia: just won't happen. And then when Benedict and marina have their conference, well, confrontation their conversation.

And he's like, I can't believe it's true. Like, you know, all these things. And then he says to her, you know, marina, you could have just been honest with me because I would have married you anyway. 

Melissa: And that might be true for Colin, but she also knows that it's not true. 

Julia: Like that, that 

Melissa: idea, the idea of that might be true for Colin.

Like, yes, he might have really done. But it's not true. They wouldn't have let that happen. 

Julia: I think episode seven might be my favorite in the sense of like all of our loose, all of our little storylines that happen. Cause not every storyline is in every show in episode seven, they all are because we also have stuff with, um, Antony and Sienna in that episode, but we don't really see it.

I didn't note it cause it wasn't as compelling, I think because they have a more compelling situation in episode eight. 

Melissa: Uh, a good job with episode seven in the sense that, uh, 

Julia: they 

Melissa: portrayed the gravity of the situation. So well of all of their situations, right? It might seem, it might seem trivial. Like some of these things might seem trivial to us in this day and age, but in 

Julia: their time period, this was, 

Melissa: this was end all be all this.

Like Marie at the end of the episode, marina, 

Julia: and you know, that was Billy again, that goes serious. Yes. And that goes into that sort of misconceptions on how we talk to women about their bodies and what is actually functional. And, you know, she thinks that this concoction is going to read her of her pregnancy and it's like, girl, we just, women are failed.

You know, it's like, this is such a failure towards. 

Melissa: So in her defense. So this is, this is going to be real. This is fairly interesting to me. Marina is the only one out of all of those girls in society. She's the only one that would have known that information. Yes. You see her in the kitchen. She's not picking at random.

She's not just taking all of the things out of the tea cabinet and just pouring it in and like desperately could call. 

Julia: Anything, it's 

Melissa: not a desperate attempt. This is calculated. She knows what she's supposed to take. She ends up taking, I actually wrote it down. So she got Juniper berries, which is accurate.

Um, she got dried camomile and dried, um, dandelion root, which again, accurate. She got dried fennel and she got high biscuits. All of which are. The only thing that she didn't get was parsley and mint. And like, those are, those are things that she would have needed to potentially, 

Julia: uh, terminate that pregnancy.


Melissa: this is not, this is not new age medicine, this isn't Hocus Pocus. This isn't, this isn't, uh, new people trying to end pregnancies. People have been trying and successfully ending pregnancy. Since the beginning. And usually it was done with herbal medications. She just did not have what she, 

Julia: what she needed, what she needed, 

Melissa: really.

And it's even funnier because the doctor says you really think that a 

Julia: T would have worked. 

Melissa: Yeah, it would have, 

Julia: the property would have. Yeah. 

Melissa: And he just wouldn't have known because he's part of the church, he's a doctor from the church. Right. So that's definitely not information that he would've had, that information 

Julia: would come from a midwife and, you know, from the church.

So everybody have all the babies who cares if your vagina gets ripped open 47 times in 20 years. Well, 

Melissa: I mean, like as long as you don't die, like you'll just keep 

Julia: popping them out. Let's do this. Yup. So then that brings us to episode eight after the rain. And so Daphne and Simon hosts the final ball of the season, which I kind of love and whistle down.

They kind of get called out for not having hosted anybody yet. So I, so I felt it appropriate that they have the final ball of the city. And like a lot of things happen in this episode. So marina learns that George really wasn't ignoring her the whole time he's died in battle. And so his brother comes to, you know, say like, Hey, this is what happened and we're very sorry.

Um, You have Eloise thinking that Madam Delacroix is whistled down, which I think is hilarious. 

Melissa: And also that's a pretty valid guest though. Okay. That's a, that's a good guest. I don't blame her for that one. That was a good guesstimations. 

Julia: Wrong, but good. And also I kind of love that he, that she had Benedict's sorta start hooking it up.

Melissa: I love that match too. And like, for some reason I'm more okay with Benedict being with someone that's out of the caste system versus Anthony partially because I don't like Sienna either though 

Julia: what it is about Sienna, this poor girl, like she really. Yeah, she was not my favorite. I don't know if it was the actress or if the way that the character was acted.

I'm not sure, but it was just not my favorite. Another big thing while they're prepping for the party, definitely finds all of Simon's letters that he wrote to his dad. Cause you know, his dad's basically like you're dead to me, you're an imbecile. And so he like throughout his life, keeps them up to date through letters that never get responded to and definitely finds them and realizes the reality and the truth behind.

Why her husband refuses to give her children. And so she has this really great moment with lady Dan about it, but was the motivation she needed to confront her husband about the situation 

Melissa: and a shift in perspective. Because I think that before it was, I feel like the perspective that she had in the lie was it's a very malicious lie.

It was a very selfish lie that he didn't just like. I said, I'm not going to, therefore, I'm not going to. I said, I'm not going to have children. I said, I'm not going to continue my family line. Therefore I'm not. Cause I don't want to. And that's not really what it was. It was really a fear of being a father and a fear of that weight of that 

Julia: responsibility.

Melissa: And I feel like that's very valid because I feel like that's still very common today 

Julia: in fatherhood. Fathers 

Melissa: are ill-prepared. Yeah, we don't do a good job of preparing dads. We do a better job now, but like, we don't do a good job preparing 

Julia: dad 

Melissa: totally under the state. So I think that that shift in perspective that she really 

Julia: needed.

Yeah. Cause I think a lot of it too, is the responsibilities never really been there. To be a parent all the while still going on through the series. As you know, Eleanor, Eleanor Eloise is trying to, um, unmask whistle down and she keeps Penelope up-to-date and everything. And Penelope doesn't end up going to the final ball.

If I remember correctly, she's not at Hastings ball. So back to marina and her situation. So George's brother Phillip shows up says, you know, George is, we didn't know you were here until lady Duchess pasting. I made contacts, blah, blah. And so he shows up with this half-written letter that basically.

George saying, marina, I love you. I'm so excited. This is our child. We're going to be together and all these things. And you're just like this crushing moment of like, ah, because you know, the schemes that were happening in front of us, that George didn't know about to sort of get marina in a position where she could be cared for when all the, while her beloved is trying to get back to her.

And then the brother showing. To give the news and then the next day shows up and is basically like, this is one of my favorite parts of the episode, by the way. Cause it's just, I feel like it's so selfless and I love when relationships start in like a selfless situation, Philip basically is like, my brother loved you.

He wants you care for? I have a responsibility because I love my brother and he loved you to make sure that happens. And at first Miranda's like, I'm good, no diverge. And then in all of this, we find out that Lord feathering tin is no longer with us. That fool is dead. And so marina asks lady feathering, Titan, like, how did you do it all these years, 20 plus two years being married to somebody that you didn't really love.

And she's like, it's the little things, you know, there's little things that you do. And then there's big things like your kids and you just sort of piece it together until it's finally enough to make a life work. And I thought that was really, uh, I don't know, that's just kind of broke my heart because she's a woman who's never fully loved.

And that makes me sad when people are ever fully loved. And so then marina makes this decision. She changes her mind and chooses to go with Phillip, but she's still not certain about that decision. 

Melissa: She's not. And I feel like that decision is kind of forced a little bit because Lord Farrington 

Julia: dies. 

Melissa: Yeah.

They can't keep her. They can't, they literally cannot keep her. Now. They can't. Nothing they can do. Like they can't even feed her at this point. So to keep her in the household with just, you know, I think that financially it was 

Julia: not feasible. Right. 

Melissa: Um, and so I think that kind of has a lot to do with her decision as well.

And like, honestly, if I were her, I'd be running out of that house. I'd be running, I'd run in real fast. I feel like. 

Julia: And Phillips to me seemed like a sweet soul who wasn't going to be somebody. I mean, when you love your brother, when you have that kind of love for a sibling to be like, he, like, I'm getting emotional.

Melissa: I need to fulfill the role that they left behind and I'm going to fill that role for them. And I love them so much that like, I'm going to give up my life to continue with what they would have wanted and what they wanted most in the world. 

Julia: That's so powerful. That's such an unconditional love. You're sacrificing all of yourself for somebody, multiple people in this situation, and you're doing it selflessly.

And with honor, and I just thought, gosh, like that. Being, I felt happy for marina because now she's in a position where she could potentially grow in love with Philip rather than living in a jar, if she's open to it, because there is the potential for resentment. Sure. But I feel like he is going to always be in a position where he's going to do right by her.

And he's not going to put her in a position to. I feel like emotionally alone. And so I got, I, I got emotional and obviously, cause I'm emotional now talking about it and it just, it, I don't know. I really, I really like that the way they handled wrapping up that storyline, I think that 

Melissa: she again, had to shift her perspective a little bit and think of it in a way of.

This isn't a romantic match. It's not a, it's not a contractual match. Cause there are, there are lots of different matches in this time era I've noticed, like there are a lot of different ways that you can be connected to someone, right? Like being married. And like, I feel like this one is, I feel like both her and Phillip are grieving George together when a raised George's baby together.

Maybe more as friends, maybe more of a platonic partnership and like a mutual respect. I would be really surprised if they decided to have more children. I would think that maybe Phillip wouldn't, I would like to think that Phillip wouldn't force, um, a romantic or physical relationship. With her feel like they would maybe go on in life, you know, as friends just be loving a loving family.

Julia: I'm choosing to believe that they'll eventually fall in love. 

Melissa: I'm choosing to believe that it just all works out nicely and that there's no resentment and that he's 

Julia: not addicted. Yes. Yes. So all of that gets resolved and then we end up at the Hastings ball, which was beautiful. Like why haven't we had an outside ball yet?

Oh yeah. We have had outside balls. I forget. But like this one was the light bulb. Yes. That was a great scene. Oh my God. So at the Hastings ball, Eleanor Eleanor, why do I want to call her Eleanor? Currently Eloise learns that the queen is going to unmask lady whistled down, which totally makes her panic because she still believes that Delacroix is, um, whistled down and, you know, Benedict.

Tell the court. 

Melissa: So he doesn't want her brother's girlfriend to get like, you know, 

Julia: yeah. Right. Penelope finally has the courage to tell Colin that he's, that she's in love with him, but before he can't, before she can, he announces he's going abroad for a year. So. That pain on her face. Oh my God. That paint on her face.

I just felt her. I just, it just hurt. It was real sad. Anthony coming for Sienna to be like, Hey, you know, cause they have this scene where he's like, I'm going to take you to this ball. It's going to be great. We're going to live with happily ever after like, fuck the whole system. Like you're the one I want, this is going to happen.

And then he shows up and she's like, we can't. Like she doesn't have it in herself anymore. She's 

Melissa: in another household with another man. Like they obviously just slept together because homie is like buttoning up his shirt 

Julia: as he opens the door. It's all inappropriate. Like put your clothes on 

Melissa: before you open the door.

What's wrong 

Julia: with you? Especially in 1813. Come on. 

Melissa: I just. I just don't like her. I like her. She's just kind of a bitch. Like, I don't like her and I don't like ants me either, but I think that it's really messed up that she says like, yes, to this situation and says yes to this. And then like, I think she does it.

I think that she does it as a slap to the face. So 

Julia: like, like on purpose, she didn't like petty to be like, this is how you make me feel all the time. So I'm doing it to you. 

Melissa: I think I get annoyed with Sienna because we have her, um, because like, they kind of like her and are like, kind of in comparison. In the same tier system, right?

They're self-made women. They're not part of the cast. They're not W2, you know, none of that stuff applies to them, but we have Madam Della qua, who is very much self-made. She has her own show. Very independent, very like head on her shoulders. Right. And so when I see her with Benedick, I'm like Madam Della quad doesn't care.

She doesn't care about Benedict's status. She doesn't care that Benedict has to go in and out. She understands her place in the system. She understands his place in the system. There are no hard feelings right now. These two idiots, Anthony and Sienna. Right. And you've got Anthony who is the bike? He's the full-on bike account.

Okay. That is a big. Fucking deal, big deal to be a fight camp or no small potatoes,

acting a fool, making all of these 

Julia: promises 

Melissa: for a 

Julia: singer who was 

Melissa: essentially an escort, 

Julia: which we didn't touch on. And then 

Melissa: she's got Anthony kind of like leading him on a string. But sh, but he's also leading her on a street. It's just very annoying. Like, I just hate the whole, I hate their whole situationship.

I'm like, you guys need to get away from. 

Julia: Yeah. And they finally do when, you know, Anthony shows up to take her to the ball and she's like, no, bro, fuck you. Like, I, this guys doesn't expect anything from me other than what I can give him. And I was just like, yeah, I mean, you should've said that I don't know five episodes ago, but okay.

Melissa: Right. Like, but she's so, but like, It's so interesting because in the beginning, she's like in the beginning, when they talk about the watch, right. I hate, I hate when you pull that, watch out, it means that it's time for you to go. And she's like all sad because she's so in love with him. And all she wants to do is be with him.

Right. And then she gets the chance to be with him and he offers it all to her and like, oh, my situation has changed. Like, you know what? It sucks that a situation has changed and that's how 

Julia: it goes. But. So it goes in 18, me, he tells 

Melissa: her that, 

Julia: and then she totally fucked them over. Yeah. And I felt like, you know, I feel like, I feel like she's trying to do self preservation because, you know, he says that he's totally ready to do it, but then when is it going to back out again, like what's going to happen 

Melissa: when his mom finds a better, uh, suited a match, finds a match next season, because there's no way that he's not going 

Julia: into the city.

Cause he's now had how many seasons and he's walked out unmarried. Like it's time Anthony, like, come on, like it's time. I feel 

Melissa: like it's almost a game. It's almost part of the game too, of like the women have to get married off within the first season. Right. You don't want the women to have more than one season or.

That's that, that means that they're not very there to bruise down. Yeah. 

Julia: Are the peaches that they flipped over to the other side, but 

Melissa: then you've got the boys they're treated more than. 

Julia: Wine, 

Melissa: right? Like if they stay on the shelf longer to be better forever until they get to a certain point 

Julia: and then they turn into bleeding vinegar.

Right. And then they're Lord 

Melissa: for Hardenbergh because they're still living 

Julia: with their mom. Another part of the final episode, you know, lady Dan Berry is he, she notices that there's a rift between Daphne and Simon and she. You know, at this point we realized that she feels like a secondary mother to him since he lost his mother so young.

And we've learned that his actual mother was her best. And so she says to him, in her observations of their behavior to each other, during the ball, she says to him, pride, your grace will cost you everything and leave you with nothing. You must not allow it to happen to you. To me. I was thinking she's referring to her dad, his dad, because he was so such a proudful man and treating.

His family like garbage, but then also calling him out. Well, yeah, I guess. Yeah. She's, he's, she's calling him out on his shit. Like, don't be like your dad, like you were on the path to being your dad with this attitude right now is kind of how I took it. 

Melissa: Yeah. I took it the same way and I just took it as.

Because I don't know if they ever touch on it. Lady Danberry is married or not. I would assume 

Julia: that she is, or not at least widowed because she doesn't have, you know, a husband showing up at the Danbury. 

Melissa: Right. And so that being said, I took it as that. And I also took it as like a bit of personal advice.

Like maybe she felt that way herself somehow of like a piece, a piece of like learned knowledge over the years of like, I've made this type of mistake before I've been real proud and I've also messed up. Don't let that happen to you. And I just, I don't know. I really, I, I liked it. It was. Good piece of motherly 

Julia: advice.

Yeah, I think so too. And then, and then he hated her advice and, and then when he and Daphne are finally dancing or is it when they were dancing together because they agreed to one dance and then it starts reading. Why do they do that? Why does that always happen? Like we have our most romantic scenes in Hollywood.

When it's raining, right? Like the notebook does it Spider-Man from the early aughts. Does it? Those are the only two that first come to mind immediately. But it's like a reoccurring thing where you've either just gotten out of the rain and you have this big romantic scene, or it starts raining on you.

It's like 

Melissa: it started that started with. 

Julia: Yeah. I love that. Like 

Melissa: when they did that, like that had never been done before and to film it in the way that they filmed it. And I mean, I, I could, that was such an iconic, uh, piece of dramatics and in photography at the time that it's just, it's recurring, it's now a artistic element and it's beautiful when it's done.

Right. And it's crappy when it's done wrong and it's cheesy.

Yeah, I liked it. 

Julia: I agree. Daphne says to Simon, just because something isn't perfect, doesn't make it any less worthy of love. And I was like, get it, girl. Can I get you get your man, because yeah, in, in the book to the first three chapters, they really lay into how important it is to him to have this present, like his perception.

He's perceived as this very strong man when he's just working really hard to suppress his stutter. And like, he doesn't really want to engage and interact. So now this portrayal of him being this perfect specimen of, of a British man, His reputation. And so to me, the first time I saw the show and she says that line, it was impactful in that, you know, you can be flawed and still go into a relationship and that's okay.

People are going to love you no matter what, like if you have the right people, they're gonna love you the second time. Or actually this is the third time I've watched certain. Um, but after listening to the first three chapters of the book and hearing just how. Hard. He works to be who he is, changes the impact of that line for me, because now it's like, oh man, he's held on a pedestal for being exactly what you want your daughter to marry, but he's so tortured and brooding just to, just to throw 

Melissa: this out there, like does this tidbit of information, a stress induced stutter is 

Julia: really difficult to overcome and 

Melissa: really difficult to manage.

Most stutters are anxiety and stress and like that it it's induced by that it's very rarely like a physical manifestation or physical problem. My second daughter suffers from an anxiety and do stutter. And so when we know that she's stressed out, if she starts stuttering, like we have to be very mindful.

You have to constantly beyond that. So to have that on you. So much pressure. And then to have, you know, your wife say, essentially, you can let your guard down. You're okay. Like it's going to be okay. I think that's something that he really needed. 

Julia: Yes. Because no one's ever allowed him to be who he is. Like lady Danberry tried.

She tried, but there's still this wall there because she still kind of a connection to his dad and his mom in a way that he's not willing to necessarily embark on yet. And then. You know, so here's this woman who's like, I just, you know, they've loved each other from the moment that she ran into him and said, tell me your name, what is your name, please?

And so for it to all come together in the end. And then, so here's my thought was really interesting about the final final scene. When we learned that they finally have a child together, she's in, she's in the Duchess this quarter. Which he refused repeatedly to allow her to be in. And part of it, I felt like initial reaction would be it's because he doesn't want her to not be with him.

But I also think that he has a, had a fear for the longest time of that room, because it's the last room where his mother was there's even a scene. I forget which episode it is, where he sort of like lingers in the doorway and like looks and he's like doing his brooding hot. And the, um, one of the servants is like, do we, should we set up the Duchess quarter, sir?

And he's like, no, and then walks away. But I always thought that that final scene of them being in the Duchess quarters, delivering this child was very, very powerful 

Melissa: for sure. I definitely agree with that. I also found the Duchess's room. Like it, there was probably some fear there, like some superstition, like you said, This is where she died, but it also is at the same on, on that, the flip side of that same coin, it's where she died.

It's, it's, it's enshrined to her and that's what people do. That is a way that people breathe is to when someone passes away suddenly or unexpectedly or whatever, um, they will leave everything. Exactly. As it is and not touch it. And that's how I felt it was kind of that too. So it was very like healing to see, like for them you could tell like, oh, he, he healed like, oh, he, he has closure of his mother's death now.

Like he's, he's worthy of love. His mother would have loved him. I think that must've ran through his mind a lot. Like my father hated me. My father thought that I was unworthy and damaged essentially, would my mother have even loved me, even if she had lived or what, I've just been a disappointment to her to 

Julia: write questions that will never get answered.

Melissa: Right. And so I feel like by them being in the room, like you said, it's very powerful and also very healing of like how she, 

Julia: what she would have left me. Like, I can take everything down. I can. Move on and she won't be like offended. Right? What do you want to see in season two? Cause I'm assuming it's going to resemble the book now that I know it's a book series, but like what do we want to see in season two?


Melissa: like I said, Anthony to have a terrible season,

Julia: the worst girls to be after him after all the, all the vulgar mamas. Do you think Colin comes back? Cause the book is like all about Anthony, right? It's called Anthony and Kate, I believe, but just because you know, the first book was about the duke and Daphne doesn't mean that we didn't get all these other storylines involved.

Yeah. Anthony, the V count who loved me is what it's called. I 

Melissa: think, I think he'll probably come back like in the middle of the season. Cause that would be like a year because he leaves at the end of the season at the end of the season. So we might see him come back because is it the third? Which one is the third book?

Julia: Yeah. The, an offer from a gentlemen and it's Benedict and Sophie, I don't know who Sophia is. 

Melissa: Okay. I dislike that. They're going out of order and that they did Daphne first and now they're going back and they're doing it and 

Julia: like age order, but then they're not because book seven is hyacinth and Gareth and book eight is Gregory and Lucy.

So like guys, what? Well, 

Melissa: Gregory is younger. Oh, 

Julia: I know I did that. I did that too. And I was like, but she comes before age. And then in one of the earlier episodes, she comments, she's like, he's like, I am tall, I'm older than you. And she's like, yeah, but I'm taller. And I was like, oh, okay. That's how they address it.

Got it. Episode five is called the duke and I, which is what the first book in the series is called. So I kind of hope they do find a way to incorporate the book title into one of the episode titles. Right. But I also would like to see, um, Oh, that's the other thing. So apparently the book series, we don't learn the identity of lady whistle down until book four, because it becomes a conflict.

It becomes an issue because Colin and Penelope, right? Like they have this unrequited love situation in book one or season one. And so that's part of the, according to the description, that's part of the issue in book four. At this point, 

Melissa: it's just dramatic irony that we know who. Whistle 

Julia: down. Cause they all still don't know.

I wish I kind of wish they hadn't told us though. 

Melissa: Yeah. Same. Like, because I don't really get why she's whistled down 

Julia: and it changes because you know, even, even Eloise brings up the fact that. How did whistle down know about marina? Everything that she's written about has been happening basically in public.

And this is a very private thing. So, you know, that's kind of like a red flag to me in the sense of like, okay, so whistle down as somebody who's close to at least the feathering Titans, because she, Eloise is not wrong. Nothing prior to the marina reports has been that deeply intimate about any family.

It's all been speculation. It's all been observation. What's happening in public. Yeah. 

Melissa: And then I think that's, but to me, I feel like that was a sign that she was getting 

Julia: emotional and that's why she, 

Melissa: that's why she wrote that. And that's why she divulged that information because like, if she was not emotional about it, 

Julia: she released it.

Yeah. She wouldn't have at it. She was trying to stop it. So at any car, I really 

Melissa: dislike Anthony's character. And so I just really want to see him have a really difficult. I want to get him get reamed by his mom. I want to see him get totally reamed by his mom at some point in time. I've really want her to just completely obliterate 

Julia: him.

Yeah. Do you think that Eloise will really actually like be forced to come out or do you think that she'll like, cause she doesn't want to know she doesn't want to be debuted. And so I feel for her, but also at the end of season one, they sort of agree that she'll, you know, enter into society and then. Do you th so I'm like, okay.

So does she enter into society or does she convince her mom to let her like have another year? Or does she enter society kicking and screaming or does she enter society and like is quietly begrudging, but then like we meet a character that she eventually falls in love 

Melissa: with it depend on if they're going by the books, because didn't you say that Eloise 

Julia: is.

What, let me pull it up again. You're right. It does. Now. I'm just like, I have to read them because, 

Melissa: because like, like we had said, like I was saying before, I think I was talking to you before about it. I'm not really sure. Like they have, they've signed on for four more 

Julia: season for four seasons, which would be, so it 

Melissa: would, um, so if four seasons for technical, like season he's debutante seasons.

Okay. So there's one season per year. They don't understand how things work. I'm just throwing it out there. A lot of things don't work this way. If we're going by seasons and it's 1813 now. It's going to be 18, 17. So we're going to go right into the, 

Julia: and LOE is technically is book five. So 18, 17 ha uh, that would be calling in Penelope easier.

Cause that's book four is calling him Penelope. 

Melissa: Somehow Eloise stays out of her season. Or she just tanks each season. 

Julia: That would be fun to watch. That would be fun to watch. Cause 

Melissa: it wouldn't be so funny to watch, oh my God, his 

Julia: ball. She's like, why don't you draw or something about drawing a picture or drawing a likeness.

So you can keep looking here. Something like that. It was just like mortified. Like when I'm playing, this is a practice for when you're out next year and she's just like, 

Melissa: I don't care. Yeah, 

Julia: I hope we get more Francesca too, because we really didn't have any Francesca. I forgot that 

Melissa: there was a Francesca for like a minute until actually all the way until the end, when they say Francesca is coming home.

And they're like all excited about it. And I'm just like this whole child, all that's right. 

Julia: As you probably not have called 

Melissa: her. That 

Julia: really she's only in like one episode she's in half of the first one. Not even, I don't even remember her. They don't even do ceremony when she's leaving to go to their aunt Winnie's house and then they make a big deal about her coming back.

I think. So I think she. But not like, obviously she's not obviously in the first episode, you know what I mean? Is she just 

Melissa: like sitting in the drawing room? 

Julia: I think it's when they're all running down the stairs and then they have those big portraits of the family, of the kids. I think. And then that's the only other time I remember seeing her until she comes back.


Melissa: You're right. You're totally right. I'm sure. I'm sure that's completely correct. 

Julia: I don't know no 

Melissa: clue because I can not remember ever seeing or hearing the name Francesca until the end of season. Literally. Like I had to look it up. I had to Google the Verger 10 children. 

Julia: Who is your favorite? Out of the bridge, certain children, Eloise is my favorite.

I think that out of the whole entire cat, I don't know. So for 

Melissa: me, the out of the bridge and children, 

Julia: I would say. To help me if I was stranded on the side of the road, obviously the duke of Hastings, 

Melissa: there is a true statement right there. I, so like out of all the characters, I really, I really liked lady Danberry.

Julia: Oh yeah. She's a great character. I 

Melissa: just really like her character. She's. Interesting character. And just knowing what I know about Regency time period, and about that in that part of history, it was very normal. Like all women had female companions right there from the time of, you know, full on court in their relays and weightings and stuff.

And so like from, from that came companions of. You literally just had a friend friend was legitimately on the Castle's payroll, be there with you and just like, hang out and do your sewing together and read books and 

Julia: talk shit. So I'm hearing, I have to pay people to make this happen. You have to get an 

Melissa: institution to pay people so that you guys can just talk shit all day.

That's what you need to do. That's 

Julia: right there. That's why I realize my dream of becoming a trophy was 

Melissa: exactly. But like, I just, like, I liked that they showed that type of relationship because that's a very realistic relationship with like, you know, with the whole situation. I liked it. My favorite of the children.

Uh, I really liked Benedict and I have a feeling that he's going to get into some, uh, real interesting 

Julia: situations situations 

Melissa: with his, uh, with his artist friend. I already 

Julia: see that that guy who was on Downton Abbey, the guy who plays the artist friend cause the whole time I'm like, why does this guy look familiar?

He sounds familiar. He looks familiar. So I hop on the IMDP and I was like, you, you, you had a hot for lady Mary. Crawley and I'm here for it. That's amazing. 

Melissa: I've never actually walked down to Navi. I have literally fallen asleep for the first episode of downtown Abbey, 

Julia: like eight. Oh, my gosh. I've probably seen the whole entire series 

Melissa: eight times.

And after, after that eighth time of falling asleep, I'm just like, this is a mean, maybe it's not for you. This is just one. That's not for me. And I love the circle pieces and stuff, but like I 

Julia: fall asleep with that one. I don't know. In the wintertime, that's my thing is watching for this period. And when the pandemic hit, I was like, I'm not done watching British period pieces just because it's June the world's ending.

I still need to escape. The written was really well-timed because it fell into that timeframe of when I, when you normally watch this. I'm hoping they drop season two at Christmas again, because I, or in between that period of Christmas and new years, because I felt like that was a really good move because literally everybody, and I don't know if that was the original intention to drop it.

At that point, we were like starved. Cause everyone consumed everything. I do hope that we see. 'cause, you know, there's that scene where Benedict is like making out with Eloqua and then also this other mystery woman. And then we later learned that the missionary woman is sir whatever's Henri's wife.

And he's just like, how do I navigate? How do I navigate? Okay. Okay. So now the Anthony is going to be the focus in season two. It'd be nice to kind of get as hefty of subplots that we got for Anthony and season one for the next brother. 

Melissa: Right. That would be really fun to see. I'm pretty sure he's going to sleep with that 

Julia: guy.

Oh, totally. They totally have chemistry. It's crazy. Chemistry was crazy. I think Benedict's going to get mad about it. Do you think they'll replace the gray, the actors that did Gregory and hyacinth? I mean, it's only a year later, but still they have to like, you know how Hollywood will age character. I don't think so.

Melissa: I don't think so. Netflix very rarely ages out quick. Yeah. I've noticed that their characters and Shonda Rhimes I know is big on consistency and she just not like that. And so I, the duke is not in it next season because she likes consistency and he was unhappy. It's annoying to me. Only because it could have brought a little bit more depth into the plot line, and I'm not sure how they had to change the plot line.

Right. Fit him not being in there. And does that mean that Daphne's not going to be in an either? 

Julia: I don't know. That's a really good question because there's such a close knit family. I can't imagine that you're real weird. It would be real weird unless they didn't come home for the season to London for the season.

I mean, yeah. That's how they explain it. 

Melissa: I mean, I guess like, yeah, that would, that would make sense. Or if she's like pregnant again and she needs to be like confined she's in confinement or whatever. Um, cause that was definitely still a thing at this time. I just think that it's going to be kind of like a hole in the plot.

Julia: Thanks for tuning in. Next week Christina's back. And we are saying goodbye to younger. Talk to you all then.

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